Friday, May 30, 2008

We've been busy

Wow what a busy two days it has been. I have been cleaning and organizing like a mad woman but I have not found a good balance with spending time with my kids. Do any of you ever experience days like that? It's not very often, espically with homeschooling but it happens when I am trying to do too much. I am home all day with them but what (besides the basics) did I do with them? So today I had a high school, homeschool girl come over for about 3 hours to play with the younger ones while Anastasia and I finished cleaning and organizing. Anastasia was a great help and was excited to hang up all the baby clothes. The others had a good time because they were being entertained and I could concentrate and they weren't making messes right behind me.

The little ones did help me set up the pack n play in my room. They were so excited they could hardly contain themselves. Then we made a chain that they get to tear off one link each day till the baby comes. We also went to Walmart and they each got to pick out a gift for the baby. They will get to bring it to the hospital to give to her. Joshua picked out a snuggly lion and and an eeoyre outfit. Savannah picked out some onsies and binkis (she says she will keep the binkis in her room for the new baby ) She was very attached to her binky until about 8 months ago when they got "lost". Alexa picked out socks and some pants for the onsies. I am going to take Anastasia to the store this weekend to pick something out because we went while she was in art class on Thursday.

I want to just relax this next week and play with the kids before the baby comes. We want to go to the pool and library and play games. I feel I can do that now and not have the house looming over me. We just need to maintain. It is finding that balance. I spend the time with my kids (which is the most important to me) and my house falls apart. I spend the time with the house and my kids go crazy. We are striving for balance which is coming it's just a constant battle and I of course want my kids to win out. I know that routine is the key and I just need to stick with our routine.

On another note we have finally started back with our family night time devotionals. We do this at dinner time and Jay is reading from Leading Little Ones to God: A Child's Book of Bible Teachings by Marian M. Schoolland. It is an excellent book we went through it a few years ago with Anastasia and she loved it, and still does. I still pick up things from it as well. It is keeping Joshua and Savannah's attention and it is amazing and I must say funny at times to hear their perspectives on things.

I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. 3John 1:4

Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Psalm 127:3

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What's For Dinner Wednesday's??

The following recipe was used in our OMAC and they are soo good.  One lady made them the first month and then I made them for the group the next month with extras for us.  I love having burritos on hand for a quick meal for myself or the kids.  In our house they don't last long though!

Breakfast Burritos

I used the following recipe & made 90 burritos


84 eggs

5.25C water

14C Shredded cheese

7lb Sausage --I used 4 regular & 3 hot

90 flour tortiallas , fajita size

Assemblye directions:

Cook sausage in skillet , cool & crumble

Blend eggs & water in large bowl &  cook in skillet

mix eggs& sausage, add & mix cheese

heat 12 tortillas in micro    to warm slightly so they fold without breaking

add a full 1/3C of filling to each tortilla & roll up

* I used the rectangle  foil pans & split the eggs & ssg in half after cooking & added chesses . Made mixing very simple*

Freezing :

To freeze, place the rolled up burritos seam down on a cookie sheet & freeze until firm .  

Place separately in freezer bags or by the bakers dozen(13) in gallon size freezer bags.

** I placed the rolled burritos seam down in the rectangle foil pans & flash freezed that way **

You Might Be Nesting If....

You might just be nesting if.....

1. You wake up at 5:00am to scrub your bathroom, wash baby bedding and completely clean your room.

2. It takes everything you have to wait till your husband gets home to move your cedar chest so you can set up the pack n play when you really just want to move it yourself.

3. You help get the garage all cleaned out (thanks to a friend who is having a garage sale ) so you can park back in there.

4. You wash two loads of baby clothes but still want to go buy some new outfits for the baby.

5. You want to toss out anything that is lying around because you are tired of picking it up!!!

6. You insist your husband gets your suitcase out so you can get it ready even though you still have 12 days before your scheduled c-section.

I just might be nesting!!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

When I'm Not Watching

Jay & Anastasia went to church Tuesday night so I sent the other kids out back to play while I cleaned up from dinner. I went to check on them and Joshua had made the lovely mud pit and Alexa had a great time playing in it and drinking it from her tea cup!!!!

The Simple Woman

FOR TODAY May 27, 2008

Outside My Window...

The kids are looking out the window waiting to see the garbage truck come get the trash.  It is a higlight for them!!  LOL

I am thinking...

I have got to get a lot done in the next 2 weeks.

I am thankful for...

my Bible, God's word

From the kitchen...

It is a mess in there.  I am avoiding it.  It needs to be cleaned and mopped today.

I am wearing...

maternity clothes that I am able to still fit into!

I am creating...

curriculum for next school year.  I do enjoy doing this.

I am going...

to get Savannah's 3 year old pics taken today and to my weekly dr. appt.

I am reading...

Every little thing about you by Lori Wick

I am hoping...

to get a lot done today and that my ankles don't swell

I am hearing...

KLove on the computer

Around the house...

The kids are pretty entertained doing their own thing right now.  We are recouping from a long enjoyable weekend.

One of my favorite things...

Three day weekends when my husband gets an extra day off to spend with us.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:

Getting baby things ready!!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

My Family!!!

If you would like to participate in "The Simple Woman also please visit Peggy's blog:

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

What a weekend. It started out Friday afternoon at the dentist office. Joshua had managed to loosen his spacer and crunched it. So the dentist had to take it out and will make another one. This one lasted almost 5 months and he has to keep a spacer for the next 4-6 years. So I wonder how many trips to the dentist we will be making!!

We finally got home and wanted to do our camp out in the backyard. Well this crazy weather it was way to windy and had been raining for a day and a half on and off. So Jay had a plan to set the tent up in the living room! The kids were all over this and thought it was great! It was too windy for the fire pit so we cooked hotdogs on the stove and melted marshmallows in the microwave for smores.

Setting up the tent

The three stooges not waiting very patiently

Microwaved smores They still thought these were great combining marshmallows and chocolate what more could they ask for!!

Jay and Anastasia finally got the tent set up with an air matress for Jay and I and the 3 little ones could not contain themselves they were going crazy with excitement and driving us crazy at the same time. Jay said if we ever go camping again he will go up ahead of time and set it all up then we can join him!! LOL. Then Jay tried playing his guitar for them to sing some songs but they just wanted to use his picks and play their own songs so that didn't last very long!

We finally got settled and tried going to sleep. Alexa is not used to sleeping anywhere but her own bed so she could not settle down she kept moving from one person to the next to lay by. Savannah is a night owl and wanted to keep shining her flashlight around and Joshua likes to go to bed but in his own bed. Finally everyone fell asleep. I could not sleep it was hot and my back was hurting. It was midnight and Jay told me to go on up to our bed. He didn't have to suggest it twice. However, 45 minutes later up came Anastasia with Alexa to put her in her own bed. Then Jay finally came up about 1:30. So Joshua, Savannah and Anastasia all got to sleep in the tent and they thought it was great still!

Somebody was ready for bed!

"I'm not going to sleep!"

Daddy's girls

Joshua finally went to sleep with all his blankets

Jay and I both love camping but we decided we probably won't go again until this new baby coming is at least 3 years old!!!

Saturday morning everyone slept in a little and then I made pancakes for breakfast and we worked in the backyard for while (mowing, trimming, cleaning all that fun stuff)

Finally Saturday night the weather was much better and we all had a much more enjoyable evening. We were able to light the fire pit and roast marshmallows. The kids thought this was the best as the younger ones had not done it before. They went through a bag of marshmallows and then ran off their energy playing flashlight tag. When it came time for bed we put Alexa in her own bed but told the other three they had one more night that they could sleep in the tent but mommy and daddy were sleeping in their own bed!

Fire, a pointy stick, and sugar what more could a boy want!!!

Yum! Yum!

Enjoying our s'mores!

What a sticky mess!!! She loved opening it and eating the chocolate and marshmallow.

Anastasia and her friend.

Happy Memorial Day!

The Rich Family in Church

This story really touched me. Talk about true sacrificial giving!


By Eddie Ogan

I'll never forget Easter 1946.

I was 14, my little sister Ocy was 12, and my older sister Darlene 16.

We lived at home with our mother, and the four of us knew what it was

to do without many things.

My dad had died five years before, leaving Mom with seven school kids

to raise and no money.

By 1946 my older sisters were married and my brothers had left home.

A month before Easter the pastor of our church announced that a

special Easter offering would be taken to help a poor family.

He asked everyone to save and give sacrificially.

When we got home, we talked about what we could do.

We decided to buy 50 pounds of potatoes and live on them for a month.

This would allow us to save $20 of our grocery money for the

offering. When we thought that if we kept our electric lights turned

out as much as possible and didn't listen to the radio, we'd save

money on that month's electric bill.

Darlene got as many house and yard cleaning jobs as possible, and

both of us babysat for everyone we could.

For 15 cents we could buy enough cotton loops to make three pot

holders to sell for $1.

We made $20 on pot holders. That month was one of the best of our


Every day we counted the money to see how much we had saved. At

night we'd sit in the dark and talk

about how the poor family was going to enjoy having the money the

church would give them.

We had about 80 people in church, so figured that whatever amount

of money we had to give, the

offering would surely be 20 times that much.

After all, every Sunday the pastor had reminded everyone to save for

the sacrificial offering.

The day before Easter, Ocy and I walked to the grocery store and got

the manager to give us

three crisp $20 bills and one $10 bill for all our change.

We ran all the way home to show Mom and Darlene. We had never had

so much money before.

That night we were so excited we could hardly sleep. We didn't care

that we wouldn't have new clothes for Easter; we had $70 for the

sacrificial offering.

We could hardly wait to get to church!

On Sunday morning, rain was pouring.

We didn't own an umbrella, and the church was over a mile from our

home, but it didn't seem to matter how wet we got.

Darlene had cardboard in her shoes to fill the holes. The cardboard

came apart, and her feet got wet.

But we sat in church proudly.

I heard some teenagers talking about the Smith girls having on their

old dresses. I looked at them in their new clothes, and I felt rich.

When the sacrificial offering was taken, we were sitting on the

second row from the front.

Mom put in the $10 bill, and each of us kids put in a $20.

As we walked home after church, we sang all the way.

At lunch Mom had a surprise for us. She had bought a dozen eggs, and

we had boiled

Easter eggs with our fried potatoes!

Late that afternoon the minister drove up in his car. Mom went to

the door, talked with him for a moment, and then came back with an

envelope in her hand.

We asked what it was, but she didn't say a word. She opened the

envelope and out fell a bunch of money. There were three crisp $20

bills, one $10 and seventeen $1 bills.

Mom put the money back in the envelope. We didn't talk, just sat and

stared at the floor.

We had gone from feeling like millionaires to feeling like poor white

trash. We kids had such a happy life that we felt sorry for anyone

who didn't have our Mom and Dad for parents and a house full of

brothers and sisters and other kids visiting constantly.

We thought it was fun to share silverware and see whether we got the

spoon or the fork that night.

We had two knifes that we passed around to whoever needed them. I

knew we didn't have a lot of things other people had, but I'd never

thought we were poor.

That Easter day I found out we were.

The minister had brought us the money for the poor family, so we

must be poor.

I didn't like being poor. I looked at my dress and worn-out shoes

and felt so ashamed

--I didn't even want to go back to church.

Everyone there probably already knew we were poor!

I thought about school. I was in the ninth grade and at the top of

my class of over 100 students.

I wondered if the kids at school knew that we were poor.

I decided that I could quit school since I had finished the eighth

grade. That was all the law required at that time.

We sat in silence for a long time. Then it got dark, and we went to


All that week, we girls went to school and came home, and no one

talked much.

Finally on Saturday, Mom asked us what we wanted to do with the


What did poor people do with money? We didn't know. We'd never

known we were poor.

We didn't want to go to church on Sunday, but Mom said we had to.

Although it was a sunny day, we didn't talk on the way.

Mom started to sing, but no one joined in and she only sang one verse.

At church we had a missionary speaker.

He talked about how churches in Africa made buildings out of sun

dried bricks, but they needed money to buy roofs. He said $100 would

put a roof on a church.

The minister said, "Can't we all sacrifice to help these poor


We looked at each other and smiled for the first time in a week.

Mom reached into her purse and pulled out the envelope. She passed

it to Darlene. Darlene gave

it to me, and it I handed it to Ocy. Ocy put it in the offering.

When the offering was counted, the minister announced that it was a

little over $100.

The missionary was excited. He hadn't expected such a large

offering from our small church.

He said, "You must have some rich people in this church."

Suddenly it struck us! We had given $87 of that "little over $100."

We were the rich family in the church!

Hadn't the missionary said so? From that day on I've never been

poor again.

I've always remembered how rich I am because I have Jesus

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Our prayers go out to the Steven Curtis Chapman Family

We heard the news today like I am sure many of you have about Steven Curtis Chapman's youngest daughter, Marie Sue she was only 5 years old.  She died last night in a tragic accident.  We of course don't know them personally but have been so touched over the past years by his music and thier outreach for orphans and adoption.  Please  join us in praying for this family for peace and comfort and espically for their son who was involved in the accident.

 We are called to rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.  [Romans 12.15]

This Week's Crazy Weather

I am not complaining by any means but this week's weather has been really strange for Arizona. First of all we have stayed relatively cool for it being the end of May. Then all of a sudden on Monday and Tuesday it jumped to about 106-110'. Now today (Thursday) it was rainy all day and was only in the 60's. The kids loved playing outside in the weather. They didn't know what to think. We don't see rain very often and they were just sweating to death two days ago.

Here are some pics from this week. Anastasia had her last homeschool PE class for the year. It is through AIT and it is awesome. There are anywhere from 25-35 kids that participate. We meet weekly for one hour and their coach is great. Joshua is so excited that he gets to particpate next year.

The little ones play on the playground while Anastasia does PE. This was Tuesday when it was almost 110'. I told the kids they could play but today I would be sitting under the awning and not moving!!

We had a year end picnic and the coach gave out certificates to the kids. Under the shade with a breeze it wasn't that bad. But we all took showers when we got home to cool off.

Anastasia getting her certificate

Now this was today, Joshua checking out the hail. It hailed for about 2 minutes. If you look closely you can see it.

Catching raindrops.

They wanted to play outside in the rain. These desert dwellers chose a blanket instead of a tarp to put over the slide. I don't think it quite worked like they wanted it to.

Here's to hoping the cool weather will stay a little longer.

Although hopefully it won't rain tomorrow as we are planning on going our back yard. The kids are so excited and this was our compromise since I can't really travel anywhere right now.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What's For Dinner Wednesday's??

This is a very yummy recipe from my friend Tina. She cooked it for our first swap. She usually makes up several batches herself and then uses them during baseball season when trying to get dinner quickly on the table for her family.

Tina’s “Emergency” Dinner

4-5 chicken breasts (or turkey) 1 tbs. Lemon juice

1 bunch or package of broccoli (frozen or fresh) ½ tsp paprika or curry

2 - 10 oz. cans Cream of chicken soup 2tbs. chicken broth (or more)

½ cup mayonnaise 4 oz. herb-flavored stuffing mix

Cook chicken

Cook broccoli

Mix together soup, mayonnaise, lemon juice, paprika and broth

Layer the following: meat, broccoli, sauce, stuffing.

You can either bake now, then freeze; or freeze and then bake…

Bake then freeze:

Bake the casseroles at 350°; or bake frozen at 300° for 1 hour

Freeze, then bake version:

Wrap casseroles


Thaw and bake at 350° for 20-25 minutes; or bake frozen at 300° for 1 to 1 1/2 hours (check after 1 hour)…

Stuffing Tip

For a cruncy texture, don’t cook the stuffing, just sprinkle the bread cubes/crumbs over the top. For a softer texture-cook the dressing and layer on top- Your choice!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Another Summer Reading Program

Just wanted to share a quick note about another summer reading program I just came across. It is right here on homeschool blogger.

The link is:

It looks really neat!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Speaking of Mothering and Responsiblity

I received this in an email and thought it was too good not to share..

When You Thought I Wasn't Looking

When you thought I wasn't looking,

I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator,

and I wanted to paint another one.

When you thought I wasn't looking,

I saw you feed a stray cat,

and I thought it was good to be kind to animals.

When you thought I wasn't looking,

I saw you make my favorite cake for me,

and I knew that little things are special things.

When you thought I wasn't looking,

I heard you say a prayer,

and I believed there is a God I could always talk to.

When you thought I wasn't looking,

I felt you kiss me goodnight,

and I felt loved.

When you thought I wasn't looking,

I saw tears come from your eyes,

and I learned that sometimes things hurt,

but it's all right to cry.

When you thought I wasn't looking,

I saw that you cared,

and I wanted to be everything that I could be.

When you thought I wasn't looking,

I looked . . . and wanted to say thanks

for all the things I saw

When you thought I wasn't looking.

Author Unknown

Mondays On Mothering

Mondays on Mothering for May 19th, 2008

A blogging friend of mine does this on her blog each Monday and encourages others to do the same so I thought I would alternate between this and The Simple Woman.

Something I love about being a mother is being greeted by my kids after I have been gone. This past Saturday Jay and I went out for the afternoon and our babysitter came over to play with the kids. We were gone for a few hours and when we got home they were all out back playing. I watched them for a few minutes through the sliding glass door then I opened it and said hi. Well they all came running or should I say charging to the door "mommy's home, mommy's home". They were grabbing my leg and arm and what ever they could to give me hugs and kisses. (Of course my belly is sticking right out there! LOL)

Wow what a great feeling. Now I know they really like their babysitter and have a great time with her so it has nothing to do with that. Just genuine excitement to see me again and that just melts my heart and I never take that for granted!!!

If you would like to share in Monday's on Mothering be sure and visit:

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Family Fun Friday

Anastasia has a digital camera now and takes more pictures than I do, which is pretty hard to belive! Today she had the girls dress up and she took pics of them. I thought they were cute.

The Fairy Princess

This picture brought back a lot of memories as Anastasia wore this when she was Alexa's age and they look so much a like!

The princess's and muscle man!

Say cheese! Anastasia held the camera and took this picture. Alexa loves to be wrapped up and held like a baby!

Family Fun

This Friday for dinner we had a lot of favorites, sloppy joes, tater tots and french fries and olives!! My kids go crazy for olives and there is no better way to eat them then by putting them on your fingers! Didn't we all do that as kids? My husband still likes to do it. After dinner we played a game of Candyland. Savannah is really learning her colors by playing this game. Then the best treat of all was ice cream and floats. We don't eat ice cream much but you can tell it is the end of my pregnancy with all the desserts lately!! The kids got to pick the toppings and were so excited. Then once the sugar wore off and they were tucked in bed, Jay, Anastasia and I played cards. It was a fun relaxing evening!

5 olives won't do they each need 10!!

Candyland I must say is not one of my favorite games but the kids enjoy it. It can either be really quick or go on for a long time!!! Needless to say Jay was in charge of the cards so it didn't go on too long if you know what I mean! LOL

Ice cream with all the fixings!

Alexa goes crazy for ice cream!!!

She enjoys it to the last drop!

Mixing it all together!


Friday, May 16, 2008

End of the Year 20 Questions

Since we are approaching summer I thought we would start with 20 Questions regarding Homeschooling.

I love hearing about other families homeschooling adventures so if you don't get "tagged" consider yourself tagged by me and answer these questions on your blog and leave me a comment so I can come read them.

1) Do you take the summers off or just keep going?

We are taking some time off this summer to enjoy our newest addition who will be here in just a couple of weeks. We usually take just a little time off that way we can spread our time off through out the year because we like to take a lot of time off in December.

2) Do you use summers to make up work if you planned to have summers off?

This summer Anastasia will be working on spelling and learning how to type. It will be pretty low key.

3) Do you have vactaion plans?

We get to go to South Dakota for one week at the end of July/first of August. We are very excited. Anastasia and Joshua are in a cousin's wedding and we will get to visit family and do some sight seeing. We are also trying to make some plans for September. That is the great thing about homeschooling we don't have to take our vacations along with everyone else!!

4) If you are taking a vacation is it for fun or for learning or both?

It always ends up both!! Aren't we always learning??

5) Do your children know your school year plan?

I give Anastasia a little head up and try to plan things she is interested in.

How do they feel about it? She's fine with it. Doesn't have much of a choice

How do they feel about changes to it? She is not much into change!

6) Do you do fun educational stuff as opposed to regular school work for the summer - or any other time of the year for some reason?

During December we do a lot of fun family traditional Christmas things.

7) Since it is public school summer break do you include neighborhood kids or friends in any of the things you do with your kids?

It just depends on what we are doing. Anastasia has friends, who are home schooled and who are in public school.

8) Is your school fun- for you? Some days it is fun. I love doing unit studies with the kids. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with it all, school, housework, etc

for kids-? I think it depends on the day and the subject! LOL

9) Or is it stressful?

If it's stressful, what things would you like to change if possible?

I still struggle to find the right balance between housework and schoolwork. I do best when I stick to my schedule!!

10) What are some things you have done or need to do to achieve a balance so everyone can enjoy the homeschool experience?

The books Manager's of Their Home and Manager's of their Chores have been a real blessing to me.

11) What is your favorite all time homeschool memory?

I would have to say I really enjoyed Anastasia's kindergarten year. It was an extremely hard time with family circumstances but having Anastasia home was such a blessing that year. Our favorite once and a while treat day is "Jammie Junk Food Day" the kids love it. We get to stay in jammies and eat a little junk food and just hang out and relax for the day!!!

12)What is your ultimate homeschool fantasy- "memory yet to make" if you will?

We really want to take a family road trip across the US in a motor home. I think that would be awesome to plan it all out and take a couple of months to do it. We just need Jay to be able to telecommute for his job.

13) What is your favorite subject to teach?

I love teaching social studies/history and math

14) What is your children's favorite subject?

Science and math

15) What curriculum do you use?

A little of everything...Lapbooks, notebooking, Horizons math, unit studies, daily grams,

16) What is your favorite curriculum current, past or future?

We really enjoyed the Prairie Primer we used last year for a year long unit study based on the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. I also like Five in a Row.

17) Do you ever attend any homeschool conventions?

Each summer since Anastasia was 2!!!

Why or why not?

They are awesome and such encouragment!!! Jay and I attend both days all day. It is great listening to all the speakers and going to the workshops. It is a recharge of our batteries for the next year!! Of course there is also the exhibit hall that I always get lost in!!

18) When do you start school for next year?

We will do some work before we go to South Dakota and then officially start the middle of August.

19) When do you plan for next year?

I am starting now. I will have a 5th grader, Kindergartner and preschooler (plus a 2 year old and infant). I try to have things planned before the convention, which is in July so that I know what I need to get.

20) What is one tip or piece of advice you would give to a new homeschooling mom?

Get involved in a homeschooling group for support and encouragment and attend your state convention. These will be the best help and support for beginning.

Winding up the year, Author's Chair, Lapbooks

Anastasia will be done with school by Friday and we will take a much needed break. I am not sure who needs it more right now, her or I!! There is quite a bit of stuff I want to get done before the baby comes.

Over the summer Anastasia will participate in the summer reading programs, take typing and work on her spelling. All of that will be pretty low key. We will start back up before the end of July just to study the State of South Dakota (We will end up doing a notebook of all 50 states) but we are starting with South Dakota because we will be going there for a week at the end of July for a cousin's wedding. We are so excited to go!

So, back to today, it was busy!!! Anastasia had art and then we had our year end author's chair. All the kids did a great job sharing.

Joshua reading his Farmer, Farmer What Do You See? book

Savannah singing (with the help of Anastasia)"5 Little Ducks Went Out One Day"

Another girl brought a worm composting bin to share. This was a big hit! I told Anastasia to enjoy everyone's projects but we would not be getting anymore animals anytime soon!!! (She got her hermit crabs after the last Author's Chair!!)

The composting worm bin is really neat they had over 2000 worms!

Anastasia sharing her region book about Arizona.

The group and all their projects!

We finally got our Farm Lapbook all together. The kids really loved doing this. We are still reading and rereading their favorite farm books. This lapbook comes from it is called Down on the Farm. We also added some of our own stuff and books from and I love all three of those sites.

For this lap book we actually made a "double one" by combining two file folders. We had so much stuff to put in it. Joshua and Savannah each have their own. They are pretty much the same excpet Joshua has a couple different books that focus on writing and sounds.

We even added one flap extension

My kids absolutely love the Brown Bear, Brown Bear; Polar Bear, Polar Bear; and Panda Bear, Panda Bear books by Eric Carle. So we decided to follow that pattern (for the most part) and create a "Farmer, Farmer What Do You See?" book. They love to read it.

Anastasia spent the last quarter studying all about our state, Arizona. One of her projects was to make a book about the three regions that Arizona is divided into.

We took six pieces of cardstock and using clear packing tape, taped them together so they would then fold like an accordian.

She worked on outlining skills by writing an outline about Arizona's geography. She made a map of major rivers, monuments and cities.

This is a map outlining the three regions. Then on the next three pages she had to pick an animal to represent each region and write a paragraph about each animal.

Then on the back side of each cooresponding page she drew a picture of each region.

Then she made a chart of different info

The last page was pictures of the different symbols of Arizona.

In another blog I will share more about what we accomplished this year and how the school year went.