Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Tooth Fairy

The tooth fairy has been really busy around here the last couple of days!  Savannah is going to be changing the song to "All I want for Christmas is my 4 front teeth".  She looks so cute if I do say so!!

Tristy is the tooth fairy that visits our house, she was also Jay's tooth fairy when he was a kid.  Here is here latest note to Savannah:
Dear Savannah;                                    July 31, 2012
Wow! Another perfect front tooth! You have taken such good care of your
teeth. Sorry I did not make it yesterday I had already left for collections
before I got the message from T C… that is Tooth Central. You see when
someone loses a tooth it causes an alarm to sound at T C and then they send
the dispatch out to me. Sometimes there is a lot of teeth lost in a day and
we have to leave early…. I can only carry so many teeth you know!

Make sure you brushing your teeth and make sure your little brother
and sisters do the same. With love, and kisses!


The Littlest Tooth Fairy

Friday, July 27, 2012

Alexa's Birthday

Happy, Happy Birthday!!!  My dear sweet Lexi Lu, I love you!

It was a special day for our fabulous new 6 year old!  We started the morning with a special birthday breakfast and some gifts.
                                Hmmmm..... I wonder what could be wrapped in an ice chest???

                                                            Barbie doll from sisters

                        As soon as she sees it, Alexa runs over to her daddy to give him a big hug.

                                               It's her very on Djembe.  She asked for this for her birthday.  Alexa has an incredible drum beat.  I am excited to see how she does.
                                        We opted to make cupcakes for her party....yummy!

                                                       They turned out sooo cute!

Alexa, we love you so much you bring so much energy and enthusiasm to our family.  You have a great laugh and such a quick wit.  I know that God has big plans for you and I am so blessed to be able to watch you grow into an amazing young girl!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Summer Fun

We officially took 6 weeks off this summer.  It was filled with swimming, swimming and more swimming and I am sure we did some other stuff as well.  :)  We were also blessed with spending most of the summer with Jutem and my nieces and nephew.  There were here on and off for over a month and we even went to visit them in San Diego (more on that in another post).

Anastasia and Chance got to participate in a week long camp (two hours a day) for volleyball.  They really enjoyed it and Anastasia is going to try out for the homeschool JV team.

We had a MaryKay facial party....Aren't we so pretty!  LOL

Lots of smoothies and fun sandwiches this summer.

We took the big girls and little girls out shopping one day.  The little girls got slushies and us big girls got Starbucks coffee.   :)

We had a surprise visit from Uncle Chad, Aunt Lori, Nathan and Emma.  So of course we lined up the kids all together for a picture.  However, Nathan and Emma are technically Jay and Jutem's cousins.

We went to the public pool and the kids all loved going off the diving board and showing off their new skills.  This was one of the best times at the pool.....no stroller, no chasing a toddler.  Savannah and Alexa could go off together and do the slides and lazy river and Jadon and Tasha played nicely in the shallow area.  It was great!

We had a family night for the opening ceremonies of the Olympics.  For dinner we had pizza and dessert was ice cream floats.  YUMMY!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Anastasia's 8th Grade Graduation

As this day was approaching all I could keep thinking about was is that I only have 4 more years of schooling with Anastasia and I still remember sitting at the table so anxious to start preschool with her! (sigh)  She has grown into a beautiful young woman and I am so proud of her.

For the graduation the each graduate was to put together a poster board that depicted themselves and their interests or talents or hobbies.  Here is Anastasia's:  The picture of her on the left of the board is when she was in kindergarten.  :)

The graduation took place at the Phoenix convention center right after the home school conference on Saturday.  So Jay and I were at the conference all day and Jutem dropped Anastasia off to us for rehearsal and then everyone joined us later. 

Except my mom and dad weren't able to make it.  It was definitely a day of mixed emotions because earlier in the day my mom got a call that my grandma was not doing well and later that evening she died.  My grandma was 98 years old and I have such wonderful memories of her!  I am glad she is rejoicing in heaven with our Lord and Savior but she will truly be missed.

Chance has been in town for the graduation and she helped do Anastasia's hair.

The two graduates; my nephew Tyler and Anastasia

After the graduation ceremony we all went out for frozen yogurt.

MY BABY!!  :)