I am so excited! I finally started a Girl's book club!! Joshua has been in on for four years now and the girls have finally gotten to an age and reading ability that I was ready to start one with them.
If you want to start one it is fairly easy to do. I put the word out that I was looking for 9-10 other families, with girls ages 10-12, siblings okay. Once I had enough girls I set up a meeting this summer and asked the girls and moms to come with 3 book choices. At the meeting each mom/daughter picked a month to host and which book they wanted the group to read. We meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1-3. The host serves lunch to the girls, trying to relate it to the book if possible. Then we of course have a book discussion based on a paper they each complete ahead of time which goes over the characters, setting, plot, theme etc. Then any other discussion or activity they might have and then an activity relating to the book. We have a wide range of books and that was my goal, not just literary greats. The really only ground rule we have is that you are welcome to sit out a month if you don't want to read a book but I don't think that will be an issue but it is there if needed.
So today was our first meeting and we were hosting. Savannah, Alexa and Jocelyn are all participating. We picked From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, it was a fun book to read. I did it as a read aloud with my girls and used it as our reading. I found comprehension questions and activities that I had them complete each day.
The girls arrived all excited and a bit nervous. We started with lunch, grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup and cheese crackers. In the story Claudia and Jamie ate at museum cafeteria and they took crackers to bed with them. For dessert we of course had to have hot fudge sundaes because it was always Claudia's treat that she saved for. I saved the sundaes till the end, no need to sugar them up before the book discussion! HA!

We had a good book discussion for being the first one. We also went over how things would go and talked about how they might not like every book but it will expose them to a wide range of books and they can still discuss them respectfully and share why they liked or didn't like a particular book. For our activity the girls got to decorate the file folder that I gave them all their papers in and they each got to make their own angel, from white sculpy clay. This was a major part of the mystery in the book. At the end they were all super excited to make their own hot fudge sundaes. Overall I think it went pretty well and am looking forward to this year. Now I am done hosting and just get to enjoy the rest of the year reading the books with my girls! That is a plus to going first and getting it done. :)

Each girl needed to get a 3 ring binder with a plastic cover. On the front cover is a picture of each girl and on the back cover I made this sheet with a picture of each of the books we are reading this year.