Summer is definetly here with all the heat! Although I shouldn't complain because it did hold off for quite a while. My goal now that I am caught up with my blog it to post more regularly this summer. We will see how that goes.
So what is keeping us busy this summer.....well the nasty stomach bug hit once again the week after VBS (only the three little girls this time) I think we have finally said good riddance to it!!
This year our summer is going to be filled with swimming, summer movies and camping. Anastasia dog sat for about a week for some friends from church. They graciously invited us to use their pool whenever we wanted. We were able to go over twice and had a great time!

We braved the zoo one Saturday morning. We went with some friends from church and the kids played mainly in the water play area. I love the zoo but I have no desire to go back until fall!

Then we finally made it to the "big pool" aka the aquatic center where we go every summer. Savannah is able to go down the water slide this year and she loved it!

After spending part of the day last Monday at the pool we came home and Jay really wanted to take a drive up to Mt. Lemon. It is in Tucson and we have never been there before. Jay is going to be taking the youth on a camping trip up there in July. So we all changed clothes packed dinner to take with us and headed out again. It only took us an hour and a half from our house to get to the top of the mountain and it was beautiful! The top is at 8,000 feet and about 25 degrees
cooler!!! That was awesome! We walked around some, checked out the campsite and then drove back home. And we also decided that our whole family will go on the camp trip and the best part is we get to use the motor home again!!! Whoo hoo. I can't wait.

I think that catches up our summer so far. We did go see Toy Story 3. I loved it! We are doing school a couple days a week and I am planning out workboxes and other school stuff which I will post about. I also need to start preparing for Awana next year! Jay also has several honey dos' this summer such as painting kids rooms.! We have plenty to keep us busy.