If you know me or have been reading my blog for any length of time you know that I am
huge on creating and continuing family traditions. Of course celebrating our Lord and Savior's birth lends itself to so many wonderful traditions. This year we didn't get to do as many as we were
extremely busy getting ready for Walk Through Bethlehem. The kids had the whole month of December off of school and they would take turns going with Jay the first two weeks of December to work on Bethlehem. After Bethlehem and around Christmas we all took turns getting sick. But we were still able to enjoy the season.
Some things we did:
Our church has Pastoral Partners (they are kind of in place of Deacons). Our Pastor, his wife and Jay and I host a round robin dinner for them. The
appetizers were at the church, the main meal at our house and dessert was at our pastor's house.

It was a very yummy prime rib dinner!

Each year we go out and look at Christmas lights. Our favorite place to go is "Cherry Lane" The whole street is done and at the last house you can walk through their back yard and they have an entire
Bethlehem scene done up in cut outs. It is fabulous.
Each year we make sugar cookies and go all out decorating them.

Jadon likes sugar cookies!

Wow that is a decorated sugar cookie!

Here is our manger scene but I don't know how I missed getting a picture of our other platter of cookies. :(
We are going up to a cabin later this month and we are going to decorate our gingerbread houses and ornaments up there.
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