The kids were eager with anticipation this year expecting the arrival of Freddy (our elf) once again. We put up our tree on Thanksgiving night and sure enough the next day a package arrived from the North Pole. The kids could hardly stand that they were not allowed to open the box and it just had to sit under our tree.
LOL When the woke up the next morning and came down stairs Freddy was sitting in our tree ( pictured above).
As you can see from all the pictures below, Freddy was quite the
mischievous prankster this year. We also had to set a new rule that if you were the first one up and found Freddy you were not allowed to tell anyone else where he was, so that everyone got a chance to find him.
Jadon even caught on and would be excited to find Freddy each morning.

He too the place of the Angel

Fishing in our fish tank
Tp'd Anastasia's tree