For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb.
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them . Psalm 139: 13-16
If you have been wondering where I have been this past week....... Our new baby wanted to pick her own birthday!!! 
Here is her birth story complete with lots and lots of pictures to share with family and friends who live both near and far.
Tuesday, June 3rd started out pretty normal. Anastasia was at a friend’s house for the day and I needed to go to Wal-Mart so I loaded up the other 3 and off we went. We went to Paradise Bakery first. They just opened up one near us and we got cookies and muffins..yummy!! Then we went to Wal-Mart.

We came home did things around the house and when Daddy and Anastasia got home we ate dinner quickly and all went to church. (We have a Tuesday night service like most have a Wednesday night) At the end of service our pastor takes prayer requests and Jay asked for prayer for me for next Monday being the “big day” and service ended. I stood up and told Jay I needed to go to the bathroom. He looked at me funny and asked if everything was ok. I said I’m not sure. I went to the bathroom and sure enough my water broke (luckily not gushing or anything). I came back and told him he told me to go to the car and sit he would get the kids.
We made it home fine and I had to pack my bag nothing was ready yet. As soon as I got home I checked the doctor’s on call schedule and thank you Lord my doctor was on call. We have a “deal” and he has delivered all of my babies!!! So that reassured me. Jay’s Dad and Donna came over to stay with the kids and off to the hospital we went. The younger kids were a bit confused as we had been preparing them for Monday.
It's time!
On the way to the hospital I was having contractions and I told Jay I kept having a strange feeling of jabbing or punching down low. We made it to the hospital and they got me all set up and Jay got his scrubs on. We welcomed Natasha (Tasha) Grace into this world at 11:16pm. Everything went well no complications or anything. When Dr. Linnerson pulled her out she had her arm above her head down in towards the birth canal. So that is what I was feeling!!! She was trying to make her way out. LOL! I later found out that would have been cause for a c-section itself because she could not have been delivered that way.
In triage getting ready
Love those scrubs!!!
Jay made calls and we stayed in the recovery room for a couple of hours then they moved me to my room. It was a long night but Tasha was so calm and peaceful. She laid in the little bassinet wide awake just calm as could be.

I had wonderful nurses and they were amazed when they found out it was our 5th baby and my 4th c-section! Wednesday morning my mom and sister came up to the hospital and then Wednesday afternoon the kids came up to see us. They were so excited and it was love at first sight!! Of course they say the best things to make you feel better! I was telling them “see the baby isn’t in my tummy anymore that is her over there” and Joshua and Savannah both asked if the baby was out why was my tummy so big still!!!! Gotta love them. We had several vistors at the hospital and I was just glad when all the monitors and stuff came off.
The happy Grandma!
A great big brother!
Excited kids!
Big Sisters!
I'm a big sister now!!
I just want to sit and hold her for hours!
Our Family!!
Another proud Grandma!
Proud Papa!
Auntie Jutem
Kissin' cousins (Jocelyn)
Aunt Soo-Lin
Aunt Brandy and cousins Mikaela and Tyler (They were willing to sit outside and watch their mom teach 2 hrs. of swim lessons so they could come with and see their new cousin. That is love.
Our Pastor
We stayed till Friday afternoon and then Jay brought us home. The kids came running out the door when we got there. I have not left them for that long before and they were excited to have daddy and I back home.

She was so tiny it was hard to fit her in the straps.
Greeted at the front door by her big sisters
Savannah missed mommy terribly!
The baby is home!!!
Uncle Ben and Aunt Nicole
Great- Nana Carson
Another proud Papa
God is awesome with his timing because Jay’s sister was coming out for the birth of the baby and this way she was also able to help with the kids Thursday night and Friday. Then my mom was coming to originally stay with the kids while we were in the hospital and now she is able to stay just to help out for a few days while I am home because Jay’s vacation time is limited. So all is working out well. I am only able to do the stairs once a day so I stay in my room with the baby and the kids come in to hold her and pat her and I get to rest which is very nice.
We hope you enjoy the pictures of our new little blessing.

Lo, Children are a heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are the children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate. Psalm 127:2-5