The 7th grader
We started the day with their favorite breakfast---eggs on toast, I think it is also called "Hole in One". Use a glass and cut out the center of the bread (save these circles and toast them) Pre-heat a skillet place the bread on and then crack the egg into the middle of the bread cut out. Let cook a few minutes and flip cook a few more minutes and serve. My kids love these.!!!
After breakfast they "clocked in" and we started with circle time and calendar. Anastasia helped on this first day since we were setting everything up. Normally she won't participate in this and she will get started on her work right away.
My plan is to start by 8:30 each morning and work until 11:30 at which time the kids will do their yellow job cards and then by 12:15 is lunch then read aloud. After read aloud Natasha, and Alexa will nap and the others will do unit studies and finish up any other work with Anastasia's goal to be done by 3:00 or 3:30.
(notice she changed clothes right away! hehe)
Over all the first day went well. The kids were excited and our workboxes are working. I definitely have to plan some more for Natasha or she needs to go with her Daddy. I didn't have work boxes set up for her yet but she still had a very busy day as you can see in my next post! We have some scheduling issues to work out which I am hoping to have done by the end of the week.
What a nice blog and you have a beautiful family. I don't know what took me so long to find you. I am now a follower.