The above picture is how I found her one morning. I was at the sink doing dishes and getting ready for lunch. She was really quiet. She helped herself in the pantry found pudding, punched it open with the spoon and then of course couldn't eat it with the spoon and had to use her hands. This happened all in a matter of 5-10min.
Tasha was allowed to use dot-a-dot markers/paint which she loves. It kept her busy for awhile until she decided it was more fun to crawl on and under the table.
Now for the best activity she did this week I actually don't have a picture because come on now I can only reinforce bad behavior so much by taking pictures. I was in the kitchen cleaning and she was really quiet. The couch is in view of where I was but I couldn't see her sitting on it. I walked over looking for her and sure enough she was sitting on the couch very quietly. Why was she so quiet you might ask. She was quiet because she had my pack of dental flossers and she was taking one out at a time, licking it and putting it back in the bag!!!!!!!! They are mint flavored after all. ;) So glad I caught her in the act. LOL
Now each morning I ask, umm rather beg if Jay can take her with him depending on what he is doing. :) She however does love to do school and loves her Dora workboxes so I just need to keep finding more activites for her to do and it should get better! :)
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