So on the school front we have been keeping quite busy. I have been trying to stay consistent with our workboxes and it is going really well this year. However, my problem has been schdueling of our topics.
Each morning we start with calendar and then go right to workboxes. Then after lunch I would attempt to do our country unit study with Joshua and Savannah. Well by that time they are tired and I am ready to be done with school and get other things done and we were not accomplishing much.
I decided to try doing our unit study first in the morning after calendar and then go to workboxes. (I am the teacher after all and can change up the schedule! :) WOW! What a difference this made. It was a great change. The kids were excited they learned so much about the different countries each day and they were still completeing workboxes.
Here is a sampling of what has been in the workboxes the last couple of weeks:
Alexa's Boxes:

Savannah's Boxes:

We were having the same problem. I switched things up and it was amazing. I love when a plan comes together. Thank you for sharing what you are doing in your homeschool.