For our family, most of Jay's work is in the evening hours. So first thing in the morning when we are up and eating breakfast (usually between 8 and 8:30)is when we do our reading. Some mornings Jay reads and some mornings I read. I like to read because I love the way he cooks my eggs. :) So I read while he cooks. If the kids are done eating they are allowed to color at the table. I have found this works wonders for keeping hands busy and minds engaged; especially the little ones. This schedule works for us the majority of the time. But, yes we have gotten behind before but never more than 2 days. We either get caught up by reading two days in one or if we are all going somewhere together in the car I bring the Bible with and read then (captive audience).
We all commit to many things during a week and follow through. If you right now are saying "we just can't commit to that". Really think about what you are saying. Put the reading of God's word first and you won't regret it! It is amazing the things we are learning and the discussions we are having as God's word is being revealed to us in this simple way. This will be a tradition we will continue, year after year!

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