Sunday, July 22, 2012

Anastasia's 8th Grade Graduation

As this day was approaching all I could keep thinking about was is that I only have 4 more years of schooling with Anastasia and I still remember sitting at the table so anxious to start preschool with her! (sigh)  She has grown into a beautiful young woman and I am so proud of her.

For the graduation the each graduate was to put together a poster board that depicted themselves and their interests or talents or hobbies.  Here is Anastasia's:  The picture of her on the left of the board is when she was in kindergarten.  :)

The graduation took place at the Phoenix convention center right after the home school conference on Saturday.  So Jay and I were at the conference all day and Jutem dropped Anastasia off to us for rehearsal and then everyone joined us later. 

Except my mom and dad weren't able to make it.  It was definitely a day of mixed emotions because earlier in the day my mom got a call that my grandma was not doing well and later that evening she died.  My grandma was 98 years old and I have such wonderful memories of her!  I am glad she is rejoicing in heaven with our Lord and Savior but she will truly be missed.

Chance has been in town for the graduation and she helped do Anastasia's hair.

The two graduates; my nephew Tyler and Anastasia

After the graduation ceremony we all went out for frozen yogurt.

MY BABY!!  :)

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