I set the table the night before and put the coupons out for them to see. That morning I posted something to FB and Anastasia saw it right away and was so excited! The table was so pretty but we were going to pack lunches and grab breakfast on the go. Jay's sister has some connections still and was able to get most of us in for free. We had one coupon and so only had to buy one child's admission so that meant more money for turkey legs and rides.
It took us about an hour and a half to get out the door!! But we finally did and were on our way for a day of family fun.
Four of them tried the bungee jumping. The only one who wasn't scared was Natasha! The other were brave and "trash talking" until it was their actual turn. HA!
It was a fun filled day of our favorite Ren. Fair foods, games to play, rides, toys to try and shows to watch.
When we did get home they did ask if we were still doing the fondue. ; ) I am so glad they look forward to our traditions. We will definitely do the fondue again next year.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
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