Friday, August 15, 2008

The Count Down is On

We have been very busy this week getting ready to start back to school on Monday. (So I have posted my what's for dinner late this week you can scroll down and see it)This summer has gone all to quickly and unfortunately the heat will be here at least another month. I have been getting the school room reorganized and papers copied and lessons planned. I am eager to get back to a more scheduled routine.

I had two great planning meetings this week. Monday night I met with a group of ladies who do a Co-op on Mondays. I was invited by my friend Claudia! (Thanks!) I am joining a Co-op that meets 3 Mondays a month. I am really excited about this because I have wanted to do this for a long time a they all seem to be a great group of ladies. There are about 40 kids in this Co-op. I will teach in October and December. Anastasia, Joshua and Savannah can attend all the time but Alexa and the baby only go when I teach. So I am also looking forward to having that time with just the two of them and go do stuff together.

The funny thing about this is this is how I am telling Joshua he is "going to school" He is so excited about starting kindergarten and keeps asking when is he going to school and I keep telling him we are doing school at home and he keeps saying but he wants to go to school. He doesn't even know what it is though. We have homeschooled Anastasia since the beginning and I think he has just seen stuff on TV. So I am telling him now that he gets to go to school on Mondays and then we do school at home the rest of the week!

Then on Wednesday night I met with my friend Tina and we are planning to get together twice a month on Fridays to do units and lapbooks with the younger kids. Our first unit will be Johnny Appleseed and we are so excited.

Today was filled with running errands and now I need to go we are getting ready to watch the Olympics! I love watching the swimming, diving ang gymnastics!

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