The day before Halloween it was finally time to carve pumpkins. We can't carve them earlier in the month because it is still hot here and they will get "suck face". LOL We only did 3 pumpkins this year. Previous years we have done as many as 6. But it always starts out the same; the kids are all excited they scoop a few seeds out, tell daddy how to carve it and then they are done and daddy is left at the table by himself to carve them ALL. :) So this year they were happy with the 3 and they scooped them out and watched daddy carve (at least for a little bit).
(Note: I don't have a new camera yet, we are trying/having to make due with Anastasia's old one. It sucks batteries dry but it works for now in a pinch)

As you all know Halloween was on Sunday this year...so we went to church, came home and the kids took naps. Then for dinner we had Mud Soup and Dirt Dessert. It was finally time to get ready.

I think that is the only picture I got of our completed pumpkins.