I have been in a cooking rut again and have been looking for some new good recipes in all areas; breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. I have been trying to stick to weight watcher friendly but most are easily adaptable. So if you have any great family recipes you would like to send my way I would love to try them!! I did just buy Pillsbury's Thanksgiving recipe book (found at the check out counters at the grocery store) This particular one comes with 77 recipe cards!! There are a lot of good looking recipes I will have to try in the next couple of months.

It is a very simple recipe but you do have to be willing to wait about 24hrs. after making them before you enjoy.
1 Box Saltine crackers can be plain or whole wheat
2pkg. Italian salad seasoning
2Tbsp. Crushed red pepper
1 1/4 cup Canola oil. ( I used both canola and olive oil because that is what I had)
1 gallon plastic bag
Put crackers in bag. Mix all other ingredients together in a bowl and then pour into the bag with the crackers. Seal the bag and shake and rotate it until the oil mixture is mixed well with the crackers. Let it stand for 2hrs then rotate the bag every 2 hrs. Wait 24 hours and enjoy.
You will be amazed the crackers stay crispy and do not get soggy at all. The key is to leave them in the bag and serve from the bag. Do not take them out and put in another container. You won't have to worry to much though because they won't last long. In our house they were gone in a day and a half!
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