Saturday, January 29, 2011
Commander College
The sessions were great with wonderful speakers. I was excited that Larry Fowler was one of the main presenters. He has written several books that I have/am reading....... Raising a Modern Day Joseph and Rock Solid Kids. Two excellent books that speak to my heart. Each session was informative and convicting for me as a leader. I was able to really evaluate my own strengths and weaknesses and came away with a lot of useful information. I was also able to learn more about Awana's history and founders. It is such an incredible program whose central focus is the Gospel above all else.
At the end of the class we were each awarded with a certificate and I am now a Certified Commander ;). I can't wait to attend college 201. I didn't have my camera with me to get any pictures but here are some pictures of happenings at our club.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Co-op this month
I am co-teaching again in co-op this month and I get to be in Joshua and Savannah's class. We decided to do a unit study on Rocks and Minerals. It has been a lot of fun and a great unit for this age group because they LOVE rocks! We based our study from the lap book Rodney Rockhound's Rocks and Minerals from Hands of a Child.
Alexa only got to go to class once this month. The first week she was home sick then the 2nd week she went and the third week they had to cancel her class because of too many sick kids and moms. Yucky sick bug is going around.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Workboxes work for us
I pledge allegiance to the flag....
These are two great activities for Savannah and Alexa for practicing letter recognition and making words.
These were for Anastasia and Joshua. I have multiplication and addition flash cards. When Joshua got to the work box with the addition cards in them Anastasia would take a short break from her work and do them with him and then vice-versa when she cam to the multiplication ones in her box. The mat pictured above is laminated and used with a dry erase marker.
We have used these many times before but not for awhile and now I had Savannah use the Think it Through for the first time and she really liked it and did really well.
All the kids love the link it chains I have a gallon sized bag filled with them in about 5 different colors. I have them make patters and they try to make jump ropes lol/ The big buttons are for Natasha to string together.
The kids love rolling the big dice. I have made some laminated sheets for number recognition, addition, multiplication, and fact families. Just a pair of dice can be used in so many ways at all different levels. Then of course ink pads and stamps. This is mainly for Natasha and Alexa. I have a basket full of stamps that they love to use.
Puzzles are always a big hit around here and matching games as well.
I got Anastasia and Joshua a subscription to God's World News so they can take some time through out the week to read the articles.
What a Cutie Patootie! Our little guy is 14 months old now. He is not walking yet, so that makes him the latest to start. But why should he walk when he crawls super fast and everyone wants to carry him all the time.
Jadon loves this little car that he got for Christmas. I thought it was great for about a week we would put him on it and he couldn't get off. So I would put him on it in the middle of the family room and he was "stuck" there for awhile. :) But of course now he can get on and off like a pro and even "drive" it backwards.
Jadon can say "da da" "ma ma" and "mmmm" for food. He is learning to sign "all done" He is a very busy boy who loves to get into everything. He is not much of a napper and will go and go and go all afternoon so by 6:30pm it is bed time! He loves playing peek a boo and roly poly bear. He also copies and mimics all of our facial expressions it is so funny!
Love you buddy!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Our Calendar
(I am sure you can find this Bible on Amazon or any Christian book store)
Please pray for us as we begin this new/continuing season in our life. Pray that we will continue to follow God's lead and direction. Pray that we can bless the youth of our church and be a shining light to them. Pray that we hold strong to our family time and not let that get pulled away from us. Pray that we can be a blessing to others in our service and ministry.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Muffin Tin Monday (Tuesday for Us)
My kids absolutely LOVE when I do Muffin Tin Monday (Tuesday for us). I don't do it every week and some weeks there is no theme just whatever I have on hand and can go into the muffin tins!
This week for lunch one day I made some dip and searched the pantry and fridge for food they could stab and dip. I used gingerbread cups and toothpicks and they loved it!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Afternoon at the Park
I pushed Jadon in the stroller and Anastasia helped Natasha on her scooter, which she actually did really well on. It was a beautiful Arizona winter day.
Monday, January 3, 2011
The Zoo and Zoo lights
We had not been to zoo lights yet so we were going to make a day of it. We went to the zoo in the early afternoon, we brought out lunch with and stayed till the zoo closed at 4:00. It would then re-open at 6:00 for zoo lights. So while it was closed we ran some errands and went to Del Taco for dinner. (You can't beat .39 cent tacos for this crew)
Thank you Papa and Grandma! We are very excited to enjoy the zoo for another year!