The other 4 kids pretty much all use the same curriculum just at different levels. So here is what we are doing this year.

I LOVE this curriculum!! At the homeschool convention last year I bought the cd of both the Old and New Testament. I print off as needed. Last year we completed about 9 books of the Bible. So I have 9 more planned for this year. We spend the first 30 minutes of each day working on our coloring pages, I even do one myself. It keeps all the kids engaged and we are learning a lot.

This year I have switched everyone over to Math U See. I was using Horizon but was having to switch at Pre- Algebra anyways so everyone switched this year. We are using Beta, Gama, Delta and Epsilon. I love the video lessons and how quickly the kids can move through it.
For Science we are going to attempt to do two this year. Savannah really wanted to do the Chemistry and Physics before going into Physical Science next year and we are do Ocean creatures in a co-op. That co-op won't start till October so we are trying to get through a lot of the Chemistry book before then. I am excited to do both they both seem to have a lot of fun experiments and hands on activities.
For History this year we are starting with Arizona State History and actually doing this with Joshua as well (just upping the assignments for him). I found these little booklets at Lakeshore learning and I really like it. Then we will either continue with Mystery of History or do a geography unit on the world and cultures. I haven't decided yet.

For Reading and Language we are continuing to use Easy Peasy. I really like it for it's simplicity but thoroughness and how it teaches the writing process. Each kid is at their own level. We are also using EP for Art and Thinking games this year. I think the kids will really like it.
For Spelling we are continuing with All About Spelling. With having some struggling spellers and readers I really like this program. It is sequential and logical and teaches the rules not just a spelling list to memorize.
Now the kids will also have co-op and book club to round out our year. So here we go with a 2nd, 4th, 6th and a 7th grader!!
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