When I went through our Easter boxes and got out our decorations I found plenty of egg dyes so I was glad to not have to buy any this year. Well my hubby being the funny guy that he is ;) decided to use them all up so we could get new ones next year! LOL I came into the kitchen and the picture above is what I found all out on our kitchen counter. Needless to say the kids were ALL excited about all the colors!
Let the coloring begin.....
I hard boiled about 5 dozen eggs. (It's a good thing my kids like to eat hard boiled eggs and egg salad!)
He just wanted to eat the egg and drink the dye!
Then on the evening of Good Friday our church has a Good Friday service. It is a tenebrae candle light service. On Christmas Eve it is a similar service talking of course of Christ's birth and candles are lit one by one as the story is told. Well for Good Friday the candles are lit but as the story is told one by one the candles are blown out until we are in total darkness. This year Pastor Don told the story from the disciple Peter's perspective and Jay sang some special music) Anastasia was the official candle extinguisher. (She did a great job).
With Jay and Anastasia being busy this left me to sit with the other 5 kids. Now the older 3 are no problem and Natasha is pretty good. Jadon was really good too but every time Pastor Don said "Jesus" Jadon would start to sing "Jesus Loves Me" Talk about precious, but this was a very quiet service and Jadon was not very quite. Now he wasn't fussy or anything he just wanted to preach too! LOL So I took him and stood in the back and thankfully another friend went and sat by the other kids.
Now I had to take the two pictures you are about to see below because when the lights were turned back on this is how I found Alexa and Natasha. (It was a later service and they did not have naps).................
Jesus said to him, " I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. John 14:6
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