hubby thinks I am more excited about the idea of gardening. ;) Every spring I talk about wanting to start one but the actual digging up the yard and stuff never happened. So I finally bought the book Square Foot Gardening (I bought it from Amazon) This book is EXCELLENT and even got my hubby excited to help me!

OK now confession time is I have not yet bought the soil yet to get started. LOL Our schedule got crazy and I am a little nervous. I just need to go for it and go buy the "dirt". We already have the seeds. (The kids went with to pick those out and had a hay day!)

Now as an added bonus I am sure you notices my first picture at the top of this post. I stumbled across this "garden challenge" at The Homeschool Village
There are lots of neat blogs all participating and I am hoping for some great inspiration and maybe I can even inspire someone else!
The boxes look great! Can't wait to see them when you get some dirt :)