Co-op wrapped up a month early this year due to some scheduling conflicts. It is so hard to believe we have completed our 3rd year in co-op. It seems like just yesterday when I went to the first meeting to find out all about it.
In March I taught in Anastasia's class again. (I really slacked in the picture department these last two months) I taught the Art and Critical thinking and Donna taught the Lit. study. For Lit. study they began reading The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. We have seen the movie but not read the book yet so I read it as a read aloud to all my kiddos. They really enjoyed it and I think we are going to continue the series over the summer.
For the last co-op in April we had our annual Yearbook signing party. The yearbooks turned out fabulous. The kids did a really good job putting them together. We also held a clothing swap. Everyone just brought clothes they were ready to part with and then went "shopping" at one an other's tables. We came home with some great finds! Especially for Joshua who needed new shorts. :)
I love co-op but I am also ready for the break just because Sundays and Mondays are so crazy for us. We plan on still doing some activities with our co-op friends over the summer and look forward to starting up again in September
In March Joshua and Savannah's class focused on Camping/first aid and safety. This is them playing the fun "left right center" game with giant marshmallows!
Alexa's class spent the month of March learning about the wonderful works of Dr. Seuss. So of course for snack one day they had green eggs and ham!
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