It's that time of year again, summer is almost over (at least by the calendar, certainly not by the weather) and it's time to start finalizing the curriculum plans because it is.....
I make most of my curriculum choices before the homeschool convention and then do most of my shopping there. This year by the way it was an excellent convention, as usual and Ken Ham was the keynote speaker. He is incredible!
We are starting our 9th year of homeschooling! Each year has of course been different with challenges, successes and even some failures along the way but I wouldn't change it for anything. Every year I am asked if I am going to keep homeschooling and I answer with a resounding YES! I could write a whole blog entry on why and maybe I will but that is for another post.
If I were to sum it up (because I could expound oh so much more) Luke 6:40 comes to mind, "A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is full trained will be like his teacher." HMMM makes you think, which teacher do I want them to be like? Also it helps keep our family intact and we can focus not only on academic training but also spiritual, academic and social training as well.
I could go on an on but I think I started this as a post about curriculum..... :)
I am a picture person so I made a collage for you to see some of the curriculum we will be using this year...
I use a variety of curriculum and keep it all together and organized by using workboxes, which I LOVE!
So here are the plans for this year....
- The whole family will do Character Building for Families each morning for our devotions
Anastaisa: 8th Grade
- Bible: Alpha Omega Lifepacs
- Math: Horizons Pre Algebra
- Language: Alpha Omega Lifepacs
- History: Hands of a Child --American History Notepacks
- Science: Apologia Physical Science (She will be attending a co-op for the labs for this)
- Vocabulary: Classical Roots by EPS
- Extra: Typing, Microsoft Office, Piano/guitar all from free lessons on the Internet
Joshua: 3rd Grade
- Bible: Alpha Omega Lifepacs
- Math: Horizons Math
- Language: Alpha Omega Lifepacs and Daily Grams
- History: Expedition Earth
- Science: Apologia Astronomy
- Extra: Piano free lessons on the internet
Savannah: 1st Grade
- Bible: Leading Little One's to God
- Math: Horizons Math
- Language: Alpha Omega Lifepacs
- Reading: Hooked on Phonics
- History: Expedition Earth
- Science: Apologia Astronomy
Alexa: Kindergarten
- Bible: Leading Little Ones to God
- Math: Horizons Math
- Reading: Hooked on Phonics
- History: Expedition Earth
- Science: Apologia Astronomy
- Extra: K4 curriculum by Erica
Natasha: Preschool
- Letter of the Week curriculum by Erica
- Lots of fun hands on activities in her workboxes.
Jadon: Busy Toddler
- Nap time He still takes a morning nap from about 9:00-11:30 Whoo Hoo!
So that is the plan for the year. My goal this year is to type up a weekly or bi-monthly review of our weeks. ;)