The kids cleaned up the floor and their desks and I re-did all my cubbie shelves. I haven't taken an after picture yet. :(
Once everything was cleaned back up I made the girls new tags for their workboxes:
Savannah's are princess's (I found these on a workbox yahoo group that I belong to.)
Alexa's are Tinkerbell. I made these myself. Since Alexa is in Kindergarten now she gets her own full set of 12 boxes. She was so excited!
Now that Alexa has her own set, Natasha and Jadon share with 6 each. Natasha still loves Dora so she has the same ones and Jadon absolutely loves Diego so I made him some Diego tags. But just so you know I don't do anything with his boxes yet. He just walks around holding the Diego card! LOL
Here they are on the first day:
The Preschooler
The Kindergartner (this was my kindergarten dress and I take a picture of each girl in it on their first day of kindergarten)
Her actual outfit.
And she insisted on posing on her desk.
The 1st grader
Ok I need to take another picture of her. My kids can't stand it when it is bright outside. LOL
The 3rd grader
And you will notice no picture of Anastasia yet as she wouldn't let me take her picture. Really??!
The next pictures are from our traditional first week of school hand prints and foot prints. We do these each year and they go in the kids All About Me lapbooks.
That before picture looks very familiar :) We get in that state, too, but it's always so refreshing when we get things back in order and jump in. Looks like you are off to a great start and having fun already.