We are starting our 9th year of homeschooling! Each year has of course been different with challenges, successes and even some failures along the way but I wouldn't change it for anything. Every year I am asked if I am going to keep homeschooling and I answer with a resounding YES! I could write a whole blog entry on why and maybe I will but that is for another post.
If I were to sum it up (because I could expound oh so much more) Luke 6:40 comes to mind, "A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is full trained will be like his teacher." HMMM makes you think, which teacher do I want them to be like? Also it helps keep our family intact and we can focus not only on academic training but also spiritual, academic and social training as well.
I could go on an on but I think I started this as a post about curriculum..... :)
I am a picture person so I made a collage for you to see some of the curriculum we will be using this year...
I use a variety of curriculum and keep it all together and organized by using workboxes, which I LOVE!
So here are the plans for this year....
- The whole family will do Character Building for Families each morning for our devotions
Anastaisa: 8th Grade
- Bible: Alpha Omega Lifepacs
- Math: Horizons Pre Algebra
- Language: Alpha Omega Lifepacs
- History: Hands of a Child --American History Notepacks
- Science: Apologia Physical Science (She will be attending a co-op for the labs for this)
- Vocabulary: Classical Roots by EPS
- Extra: Typing, Microsoft Office, Piano/guitar all from free lessons on the Internet
Joshua: 3rd Grade
- Bible: Alpha Omega Lifepacs
- Math: Horizons Math
- Language: Alpha Omega Lifepacs and Daily Grams
- History: Expedition Earth
- Science: Apologia Astronomy
- Extra: Piano free lessons on the internet
Savannah: 1st Grade
- Bible: Leading Little One's to God
- Math: Horizons Math
- Language: Alpha Omega Lifepacs
- Reading: Hooked on Phonics
- History: Expedition Earth
- Science: Apologia Astronomy
Alexa: Kindergarten
- Bible: Leading Little Ones to God
- Math: Horizons Math
- Reading: Hooked on Phonics
- History: Expedition Earth
- Science: Apologia Astronomy
- Extra: K4 curriculum by Erica
Natasha: Preschool
- Letter of the Week curriculum by Erica
- Lots of fun hands on activities in her workboxes.
Jadon: Busy Toddler
- Nap time He still takes a morning nap from about 9:00-11:30 Whoo Hoo!
So that is the plan for the year. My goal this year is to type up a weekly or bi-monthly review of our weeks. ;)
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