This unit study has been so easy and yet so much fun! You can find this unit study for free over at:
Confessions of a Homeschooler scroll down and it is on the right hand side "Worlds Greatest Artists". We have started with Pablo Picasso and I was able to find the book at the library. Each morning I would read a couple of pages and we would discuss it. Then at the end of the week I had the kids pick their favorite painting and try and copy it. They AMAZED me! Their paintings were incredible. I really knew what they were learning sunk in when later the next week, Alexa was watching the Toy Story movie. There is a scene in which Mr. Potato head turns around, rearranges himself and then turns back to the screen and says "Look I'm Picasso". Alexa totally got it! They have watched that movie over 100 times and now they understood that reference. I thought that was pretty cool.

Ok so I copied these three pictures below from the
internet to show you which originals they each chose:

Now look at what they did:
I can't wait to start our next artist!
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