For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139: 13-14
Jadon Christopher made his debut on November 23 at 1:11pm Jadon means He will judge; Thankful (perfect for a Thanksgiving baby) It is also found in Nehemiah 3:7. Christopher means bearer of Christ.
A picture of me before we left for the hospital
Joshua and I
Me and the three little girls
Anastasia and I outside the hospital
The Daddy and Mommy to be......again!
We had to be at the hopsital by 10:30 so we drove all the kids with us and Papa and Grandma and Aunt Jutem met us up there. They were taking the kids to buy gifts for Jadon and then out to pizza. The original plan was then for them to bring them back to the hospital after the baby was born so they could come meet their brother but with the swine flu going around they won't allow and kids in the hospital. I understand but was not very happy about it!!! I gave the kids all kisses and hugs before they left and Savannah would not let go of my neck she just cried and cried! It broke my heart. She does not like her mommy being gone.
Me and Papa Jack
Jutem and I
Here I am getting ready and waiting for them to take me back to the OR. I was not that nervous and doing fine. Jay and I were just talking and then in came a new baby in the little curtain area next to mine and as soon as I heard him cry I started crying! I must of had a surge of hormones or something just hearing that newborn cry.... oh well.
Jay in his scrubs!
Here comes Jadon!!!
They always hold the baby up quickly right after birth so I can see but then this is really the first time I get to see, touch and talk to him!
He weighed 7.3 and was 20 inches long
He is beautiful and precious!!! God has blessed us once again!
Dr. Linnerson
Ok so we fudged on Anastasia's age by a month so she could at least come in real quick and see him.
Papa Jack
Grandma Carson
Aunt Jutem
Aunt Jutem has a really cool little flip video recorder. So she filmed me talking to the kids and holding the baby then Jay was able to go out to the car and play it for the kids. That was awesome!
Our favorite babysitter of all time, Mercedes. She and her dad came out from NM for Thanksgiving and they stayed with the kids so Jay could stay at the hospital the with me.
Our Pastor and his wife came up to the hospital. (Just a side note if you notice Jay has a beard and so does our pastor. A lot of the men at church are growing beards right now for our Walk Thru Bethlehem event)
Aunt Jutem made the little hat for Jadon
He is so tiny!
The fold out chair Jay got to sleep in for two nights.
Our new little baby boy!
I love this picture!
Jadon in his going home outfit
Taking a little snooze together before we go home
We always get a picture around the bed with the whole family. I guess we will have to take one at home this time.
Waiting for Jay to bring the suburban around so we can go home.
I was amazed and thanking the Lord at how quickly and somewhat easily I was recovering and getting around. Jay and I both know it was because I was covered in prayer the entire time! We were able to come home late Wednesday afternoon.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They will not be ashamed when they speak with their enemies in the gate. Psalm 127:4-5
I think our quiver is full!
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