I pretty much love all holidays and a reason to celebrate with family and friends! We spend Thanksgiving morning in the kitchen cooking and watching the Macy's Day parade. LOVE IT! This year Joshua helped Jay with the stuffing and the turkey. The rest of the crew helped me make all the sides and desserts. Jay's sister and kids were staying with us this year so there were lots of helpers in the kitchen.
On the menu: Turkey (of course), dressing, deviled eggs, cranberry jello salad, corn pudding, pumpkin pies, pecan pies and apple pie, green beans, rolls and homemade bread, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and a relish tray. Those are all traditional favorites. I tried a new recipe this year. It was a baked apple brie. Definitely a keeper. They great thing about cooking all that food is then I don't have to cook the rest of the weekend!
My mom and dad and Jay's dad and Donna joined us for dinner. After we eat it is our tradition to get the Christmas tree up (so that Freddy our elf can arrive). The kids also then pick names for which sibling they are going to get a gift for for Christmas. Jutem, and my mom looked at all the Black Thursday adds with Anastasia and got her all excited about going shopping but then they both bailed. So I ended up taking her. It is not my thing since it all starts on Thursday now. So Jutem stayed with the kids and Jay was our chauffeur. It was Anastasia's first time going on Black Thursday/Friday. We hit Wal-mart and Target and got a few good deals. I would much rather shop on Amazon in my jammies. : )
Savannah made the deviled eggs all by herself!
The girls didn't want grandma to leave!
Shopping with Anastasia
Playing games