This week I just wanted to highlight a couple of things. Of course there was Co-op and school as usual and Jay was traveling. But on Friday this week we had two fun things.
First I have signed the kids up for the Pizza Hut Book It reading program. Each month, once a month, when they reach their reading goals we get to go to Pizza Hut and the kids have a certificate for a free personal pizza. So I took the five younger ones. They were out of personal pizza crusts and asked it medium pizzas would be okay.....ummm let me think about it......YES! 5 FREE medium pizzas I think that would be okay with us. : ) Jay was out of town so that counted at lunch and dinner and I didn't have to cook. : )
Also on Friday afternoon my cousin Pam and my Aunt Jean came to visit. They were staying with my mom and dad for a couple of days and came out to see me too. It was nice to visit with them for a couple of hours and for my kids to get to see them again.
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