Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Homeschool Memoirs Sick Days

Homeschool Memoirs #29: Sick Days


Oh, no - someone has a fever.

“There went the lesson plans for today.”

As homeschoolers, we all have “one of those days” every now and then. Sometimes there isn’t even a sickie in the house. Sometimes mom is drained or burned out and feeling run down. Sometimes there are other medical or health issues that are interfering with our best laid-out plans (bedrest for a 9 month old teacher, anyone?!)…

So do we give up and give in? Do we change the plans to make them more flexible?

I’d love to hear about the ideas that some of you have, the stories that you all can tell - about days that were less than perfect because someone “came down with a bug”, but successes anyway. Are you a “carschooler” when there are doctor appointments to attend? Are you a “bedschooler” when life lays you up? Or do you have a “sick day” schedule that you follow - a “rainy day idea can” that you dip in to?

What happens at your house when life throws a schedule curve?

Share your story with all of us moms who need a little encouragement.

The only way I have figured out to solve this is starting this year we are schooling year round.  We always do great and are gung ho till about Christmas time and after that we sometimes have a hard time getting back on track.  This year especially with moving.  The kids have just been doing the basics lately but I want to do more of our unit studies.  So starting in May there will be no more regular work (workbooks like phonics and daily gram spelling etc, except they have to complete their math) and we are going to do our fun unit studies each morning.  I think we will do two weeks on, one week off.  It is so hot here in the summer anyways and they are inside most of the time except for swimming.  So I will let you know how it goes. 

Monday, March 30, 2009

Homeschool Memoirs Life Skills

One of the benefits of homeschool is that you can teach your kids all those wonderful skills that are necessary to living a successful life, but aren’t often taught in a formal “school” setting. Things like laundry, housecleaning, meal planning, tending to livestock, building a fence, and caring for younger siblings. We also have the added benefit that our children become a more vested part of the “family team” when it comes to taking care of things at home.

Tell us about your experience with teaching life skills. Did you have a big family project that provided a wonderful teaching opportunity? What about a home-based business in which your children have helped out? Maybe you have a creative way to get your kids involved in doing laundry. Share what you’ve done or ideas you have. Chores and cooking are just part of life. Our kids will have an advantage being home enough to really get their hands dirty with these seemingly insignificant parts of life that actually are VERY important every day!

It is very important to me to teach life skills to my children.  It is an everyday part of our life.  I have shared before about their job cards and they are working quite well.  Although I will be changing them with moving to our new house.  A goal of mine is for especially my girls is to be able for them to run the household by time they are 12.  My 11 year old can almost do this.  One thing I am going to start incorporating is a kitchen helper for the day.  That day the kitchen helper will get to help make the meals (which they all love to do but I can not handle 4 of them at once wanting to help) and then of course help do the clean up as well.  I will let you know how this goes and how our job cards change.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Time for T-Ball

Joshua is playing T-Ball for the first time and he is doing a great job.  He is on the A's team.  It is quite funny watching the practices and games.  Ok I have to rant just a little.  While I support him fully I am just confused as to why they basically play t-ball with NO rules.  I get the whole thing of it's to learn the game and have fun but how can they learn the game when there aren't even any outs.  Your tagged out "oh that's okay stay on the base and advance to the next base when the next batter hits the ball"  Kids also need to learn how to lose and good sportsmanship.  What happens when they move up to the next team and are tagged out and get upset because they are used to just running the bases????  I am not saying there has to be umpires or anything but come on.  The kids know when they are out and start to get off the base and the coaches tell them to stay on????????

Ok Anyways it is fun to watch and we cheer Joshua on all the way.


Friday, March 27, 2009

We have moved!!!

What a crazy busy two weeks it has been!  The week before the move Jay and I were both sick.  We were in bed all day on Tuesday and he missed a whole week of work! But I don't want to complain at all because we have received so many blessings along with this move!  We started moving last Thursday.  A gentleman from our church owns a construction co. and his crew didn't have any work so he basically paid them for three days helping us move!  So on Thursday and Friday we had 7 construction guys with two huge trailers do most of our moving.  Then on Saturday they showed up again along with people from our church.  They all showed up around 7:30am and we were heading to the new house by 10:00am!  We were unloaded and ready to go to have lunch by 1:00pm.  Another gracious lady from our church provided lunch for everyone.  (We have never had this kind of help with moving) Later that afternoon my dad and mom came over to see the house and visit.  The one thing I like about moving is it is like a fresh start with cleaning and organizing.  My mom helped me to start organizing the kitchen.  I have so many cabinets and drawers!!  Our new house is MUCH larger it is so nice to have space.  I even have a separate school room which I will post pictures of as it comes together. 

Another blessing..... Jay went to church on Sunday but the rest of us stayed home, we were exhausted and Tasha was still sick.  During church service, Pastor Don presented Jay with three huge tubs filled with canned goods, boxed goods, paper towels, toilet paper, cleaning supplies and even gift cards.  I couldn't belive it!!!  It was all done as a welcome and help us during our move.

So we are slowly getting settled in we are painting as well so I will share pictures soon.  I have to have the school room mainly done by this weekend becasue we NEED to start school back next week!  two weeks off has been long enough!

We finally got to meet Baby Bryson in Person!!!

About a week before we moved Jutem came to visit and we finally got to hold and coo all over Bryson and of course Jocelyn too!    The kids all loved playing together.  We couldn't get over how big Bryson is, he is almost Natasha's size but he is only 3 mos. old.  He is adorable (I am allowed to brag he is my nephew after all!)  We went to the park together and to the zoo.  Then the last day Jutem got to come to church with us and have a picnic at our new house.

Here are some pictures of our fun but too brief time together:

Da Boys!

Da Girls

Aunt Jutem and the baby (whoops she's not the baby anymore!  Where did the time go?)

Playing at the park


Rub a dub dub three silly girls in the tub!

Visiting our new house before we moved in.  We had a picnic in the kitchen.


Friday, March 13, 2009

8 Days and Counting.....

 The count down is on till moving day...  The kids have been really anxious about it so we decided to make a chain like you make to count the days till Christmas.  Well they couldn't make just one and share they each needed their own.  As you can see  I took this picture a few days ago and yes the chains have the same days just different size loops.  We are trying to get all packed this weekend.  I hope we will make it.  I worked in Anastasia's room today and do not know how someone can fit that much stuff into one room!    I am exhausted and ready for bed!  We have another big day of packing tomorrow.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kids say the funniest things!

Time again for a funny story!  I was getting ready to do Savannah's hair for dance and she told me she didn't ever want to have any babies.  I asked her why and she said I had to stay in the hospital too long and she didn't like it.  I told her it would be ok and she wouldn't have to stay in the hospital that long. Well about this time Joshua came in and piped in on the conversation and he said: "Savannah it's fine.  It doesn't hurt at all.  You lay down on the bed and they just take the baby out and I get to sit and sleep in the big blue comfy chair".  I was cracking up cause in the hospital there was a blue reclining chair that Jay slept in while there with me.  So Joshua has his part all figured out!!! 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Blogger Friend School #


Introduction: This is a steal, literally, because I found it on Facebook and decided to use it this week.  This is an expression of Praises to God- using the ABC’s.  I thought this would be a good way to be able to Praise God and use every letter of the alphabet!

Assignment: Try to think of one thing you can say to the glory of God- one thing to thank Him for, a positive thing you can say about Him, or one of His Names-using each letter of the alphabet.  You are allowed to make up words- if you can justify them by making it clear what you mean- and you may also use any foreign language (but please explain what it means) - and you can also use a thesaurus or dictionary if you get stumped.   It’s a bit of a challenge but I think you’ll enjoy it.  Have fun with it!

A- All Knowing

B- Beloved

C- Creator

D- Devout

E-  Eternal

F- Father

G- Giver of Life

H- Holy

I- Indescribable is Your love for us

J- Jesus

K- King of Kings

L- Lord of Lords

M-Mustard seed- We only need the faith of a mustard seed for you to move mountains for us

N- None can compare


P- Praying our way of communicating with You

Q- Quality unmatched

R- Redeemer

S- Salvation- You are my Savior

T- Thanksgiving in my heart

U- Unforgetable


W- Wonderful and Wise

X- eXtra special

Y- Yaweh

Z- Zion

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tasha is 9 mos.

Tasha is nine months old today!   She is growing like crazy and is such a delight.  She has been pulling up on things for quite awhile now and is just starting to try to take steps while holding on.  Teeth are popping through like crazy but she is always happy and smiling!  She loves the swings at the park and will giggle while swinging.

I love this hat on her.

9 months with the bunny

Flash back to one month old. 

Monday, March 2, 2009

God Answers Prayers...Our Fridge

Let me just start by saying I LOVE Craigslist.  If you have never checked it out you should (just use safety and common sense when doing so.)  Moving to our new house we need a new fridge and washer and dryer.  So I headed to Craigslist and started searching and searching.  I had a hard time finding a black fridge.  I was getting frustrated.  Jay needed to use his computer.  So I got off, I said a quick prayer about needing a black fridge.  I turned on the laptop and went back to Craigslist and a new post came up for a black fridge.  I was so excited.  I took the number down and called the next morning.  To make a long story short it worked out great.  We got a one year old fridge nothing wrong with it the owner was just switching to stainless steel.  We got a $1200 fridge for $500!  God is all about the details and can even answer prayers through Craigslist.  Thank you Lord!