Anastasia is 14 and Fabulous!!! As a mom I could not ask for a better oldest daughter! I never cease to be amazed at the beautiful young woman Anastasia is becoming. I am in awe of her growth in her relationship and love for our Savior, Jesus Christ. If I only had that type of spiritual maturity at 14! She is amazing! She is such a blessing to our entire family and my heart swells with joy at what a great big sister she is!So how did we celebrate this special day? Well each year on the night of the 23rd when she is sleeping I decorate her room so when she wakes up in the morning she is greeted by balloons and streamers and well wishes. Well this year Savannah really wanted to help. So we told Anastasia she could sleep in in the morning so she put her headphones on and slept under her blankets while, Savannah, Alexa and I decorated. (Of course I forgot to take any pictures) :( We made her wait till after our her special dinner before she could open her gifts.
Part of her gift each year is her birthday dinner. When you hear the meal you will know why. ;) We had prime rib, shrimp, sauteed green beans, mashed potatoes, salad, sourdough bread and for dessert was German chocolate cake. YUMMY! After lunch/dinner it was finally time for presents. Well Anastasia has a very bad habit of shaking her gifts and guessing what they are....so I wrapped them very tricky this year.....
No, it is not a box of cereal but I put her gift in the cereal box so she couldn't guess! :)
It's a new pair of yoga/work out pants (little did she know that the next morning she would be getting an MP3 player and a really cool workout shirt that has a special holder for her MP3).

She has been wanting a new Bible cover and this one was perfect with lots of bling!
Later in the evening the Rogers' family came over for cake and ice cream.

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!! We Love you but never forget who loves you the most!!! ;)
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