"A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit." Isaiah 1:1
The Jesse Tree represents the family tree of Jesus and tells the entire story of God's salvation plan, beginning with creation and making its way through the Old Testament, showing how it all points to the coming of the Messiah. Reviewing this plan reminds us of how the Israelites waited for the birth of Jesus, and how we wait for His second coming today.
We have had this tradition for a couple of years but this year I participated in an ornament swap and we got all new ornaments. Each ornament came wrapped and the kids took turns unwrapping one each day from December 1-25.
They were beautiful ornaments made by amazing ladies!! I love the Jesse Tree Advent book. You can find it on Amazon. Just some FYI on hosting an ornament swap. Ours worked this way: There were 13 of us participating so each person had to pick two ornaments to make. Then they made 13 of each of their two ornaments. (Since I was the organizer I just made one ornament 13 times) We set a date to meet and exchange the ornaments. This was so much fun. A friend hosted it at her house and we each brought an appetizer or dessert to share. Then we left one of our ornaments unwrapped so we could show everyone. So we took turns passing them out and oohing and awing. When I got home with all the wrapped gifts the kids could hardly wait to start!
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