I am sure by now you have all heard of Pinterest (or you haven't been on the computer). I discovered it a few months ago and fell instantly in love. Let me know if you are on it and you can follow me and vice-versa. I love this so much more than trying to save things in my "favorites". So one of my categories, one of many, is things to make. I came across several ideas for Christmas gifts. Of course with 6 kids and Christmas I am always looking for bargains and I wanted to do some homemade gifts this year and gifts my kids could help make. We found some great ideas!!!
Our first one came from here
Marshmallow Guns---The perfect gift for everyone!
The funny thing about this gift was as the kids were helping make them they kept wishing they could have one.....little did they know Papaw and Grandma were making them each one. ;)
These are very inexpensive to make and we already had the paint on hand, green/grey camouflage for the boys and pink/purple camo for the girls. We made them for the Rogers' family (so we would all have them for camping this summer) then we also made them for cousins and aunts and uncles. It was a lot of fun and very easy to do.
Ok the next gift came from this website:Aren't these adorable!!!

Ok our next gift was the first ones we actually made and I was so excited to make these because I KNEW my girls would love them. They love to play baby dolls and they are always asking me to tie baby blankets around them so they can carry their babies in a sling. Well this doesn't work very well. So when I came across this tutorial I wanted to try making these right away. The best part.....these cost us nothing to make because I used material I already had on hand! Score!!! I was even excited because my niece (Brielle) loves Minnie Mouse and I had red and white polka dot material to make her one. Anastasia and I were able to make 7 of them on one LONG afternoon. My girls were excited on Christmas morning when they opened them (once I told them what they were lol) They got those and each got a new stroller as well. They carry their babies all around now.
Now you think we would have started all of this back in say July or August.....umm no we were crazy enough to start in December..... We also were making 3 baby blankets. So we finished one completely and still need to finish the other two. :( I didn't get a picture of the completed quilt before mailing it and I don't have a website for you to check for this one because a friend of mine taught us how to make them several years ago. It is very simple and here is a picture of the 2nd one half done:

I think what I liked about all these gifts were they were homemade and something useful and fun.
Now lets just see if this year we can work on sewing projects throughout the year and not just right before Christmas.... LOL
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