Sunday, October 18, 2015


After taking a year break I was anxious to get the kids back in Awana.  I love the Awana program and it's value of memorizing scripture. The kids are actually going back to the church where we attended when Anastasia was in Cubbies.  Now she is serving as a Cubbie leader.  When I went to the church to sign the kids up it was so neat to see several of the leaders who are still serving since we had been there last!  What a testimony to the program.

At this church  Awana meets every Sunday night so this year I am not serving.  Jay's travel schedule has him coming home on a Sunday or getting ready to leave Monday morning so we are using this time as a date night!  It is nice having a responsible child old enough to drive and the others all big enough that I can send them on their own when needed.  It is a win-win for everyone.

Savannah was sick this night so I didn't get her in the crazy hair night picture.

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