Last night we had meatloaf for dinner. We all really like meatloaf including miss picky, Alexa. I have always used my mother-in-law's recipe. This one however I only had to pull from the freezer, thaw and cook. When I stocked up on ground meat a couple of weeks ago I made two meatloaves for the freezer. Let me tell you how nice this is!!! So next time you make meatloaf go ahead and make two and stick one in the freezer for another time!
Here's the recipe:
2lbs. ground beef or turkey
1 cup oatmeal
2 eggs
1 small can tomato sauce (if using ground turkey then use tomato paste)
1/4 cup dried minced onions
Favorite seasoning to taste.
I mix all the ingredients minus the beef together and then add the ground beef. One of my kids usually likes to help mix it all togther because they get to use their bare hands. (after thouroughly washing them of course )
Then just shape it and cook. We have an oil core electric skillet that I always cook it in at 350' for 10 minutes and then I turn it down to 250' for 25-30 minutes. I also pile in green beans, carrots, potatoes and onions in there. I imagine it can be done in the oven at 350 for probably 45 min to one hour.
Happy Eating!