We finally got the schoolroom/playroom done. It turned out to be a bigger project when Jay wanted to start moving furniture around but it looks great now. We actually have three seperate areas now and the sewing stuff is not all piled up anymore!!! You can go back and look at the before pictures although I didn't take a picture of the big white cabinet and book shelf it was on the wall at the end of the hide a bed where the kids pictures are.
The corner where the tread mill is is where the sewing machines used to be and the white cabinet and bookshelf used to be on the wall to the right. Now one of the sewing machines is in wood cabinet in the front of the picture.
Another view showing the book case. The other sewing machine is in the little cabinet behind the tubs of toys.
A cozy reading area.
All our baby doll stuff. It is hard to get rid of anything with 3 girls and another on the way. They love to play but how many strollers do we really need!!!
My little posers had to try and get in as many pictures as they could! This is the play area. Our bulletin board is in the back ground and needs to be cleaned off still.
Here is a long view of the room. I am standing in the school area to take this picutre. We love our bookshelves and have lots and lots of books!!! We love to go to the library on Wednesdays for story time for the little ones. The green basket on top of the filing cabinet is for library books. That way they hopefully won't get lost!!!
From looking at the picture above this one, if you turn right this is what you see. This is the printer and paper area. We do calendar each morning. The credenza holds all my scrapbooking stuff.
This is my computer desk area. In the box on the cabinet is felt board activities. And folded on top of the box is activity mats that I made last summer. There is a picture below.
These are my two storage cabinets with all my "school stuff and some art supplies". Most art supplies ie paint and playdough are kept downstairs in the pantry. The boxes above have preschoool activity bags and file folder games in them. Our schedule is ever evolvoing and changing but we are getting there. I try to keep it posted here. The yellow cards are for my little ones and the pink is for Anastasia (my 10 year old).
This is our school table area and just to the left is the old computer for the little ones to play preschool games. The large books shelf is used to hold current curriculum and books and workbooks we are using.
These two pictures (above and below) are picture of our activity mats. I had a bunch of old material and I put two pieces together and sewed them into large squares. The kids know that they need to get a mat (blanket) out to do an activity on the floor. This way pieces stay together and they stay in on area. Also last summer I coordinated a "Preschool Activity Bag" swap. It was great. If you have any questions about it feel free to ask and here is the website where I got the book. http://www.activitybags.com/
Well I hope this encourages others. We mainly do a clean out of our school room over the summer but with our newest arrival coming on June 9th (scheduled c-section) that will keep us pretty busy this summer! Now I just need to get to planning out our next school year. I will have a 5th grader, Kindergartner, preschooler, 2 year old and a baby. We will hopefully get this year done by the end of May.
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