FOR TODAY May 5, 2008
Outside My Window...
It is dark and peaceful
I am thinking...
I need to get my feet up they were really swollen today.
I am thankful for...
Anastasia being able to help so much!!!
From the kitchen...
It is so clean and organized finally. I worked hard in there today.
I am wearing...
any loose fitting maternity clothes that I can still fit into.
I am creating...
plans for the next school year
I am going...
to get ready for bed and snuggle with Savannah for a little while
I am reading...
Children's books
I am hoping...
for a fairly easy next 5 weeks.
I am hearing...
Savannah chattering to herself in my bed
Around the house...
the others are watching Gremlins. Do you remember that movie? Jay and I liked it but I brought Savannah up before anything got scary for her.
One of my favorite things...
Snuggling with my kiddos in bed
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
We have a busy week with pe, art, library and on Friday a trip to the Hall of Flame Museum
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Alexa wanted in the shower and did not want to wait to get her dress off!!! 

If you would like to participate in "The Simple Woman also please visit Peggy's blog:
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