Monday, May 12, 2008

The Simple Woman

FOR TODAY May 12, 2008

Outside My Window...

I can see our beautifully clean, weed free front yard!

I am thinking...

my kids are really quiet I need to see what they are up too!!!

I am thankful for...

my kids and my husband giving me a nice Mother's Day

From the kitchen...

It is going to be busy today in there I have to get ready for our next cooking swap on Wednesday!

I am wearing...

my pj's still. I need to go get in the shower.

I am creating...

or it should say putting together lapbooks

I am going...

to the doctor and grocery store today. Fun Fun

I am reading...

Three Billy Goat's Gruff over and over and over again!

I am hoping...

to feel better today and that this doesn't turn into anything worse.

I am hearing...

Curious George on the TV

Around the house...

Anastasia is laying on the couch she is not feeling well either, Joshua is getting ready to play webkins and the girls are playing doll house.

One of my favorite things...

The coolness in the air still in the morning

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:

We have a busy week with pe, art, library, dr's appts, end of year author's chair, cooking swap, and swimming!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

If you would like to participate in "The Simple Woman also please visit Peggy's blog:

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