Friday, July 17, 2009

Never a Dull Moment

What a night!! Jay's sister drove in Wednesday to suprise Jay for his graduation. Well Thursday night a classmate of his drove in from Northern CA for the graduation as well. Jay wanted to meet her and her husband. He has been in on line classes with her and they have worked in groups together for over a year now and they have talked on the phone and thru email but never met.

So Thursday night Jay, Jutem and I went to meet up with them. We left Anastasia and Chance in charge (two very capable girls) we made sure the babies were already in bed and off we went. Just to Chili's mind you. We checked in a couple of time with the girls and everything was fine all the kids were sleeping. Well when we were just about 5 minutes from the house (it was around midnight) Anastasia called to tell us and we could hear all the smoke alarms in the house were going off but there was no fire. We flew the rest of the way home (literally I think). I got freaked out because as we got out of the car I could smell smoke but there was nothing coming from the house. (Found out later someone was burning something in the area). We go in the house and some kids were up others were sleeping right thru it!! That was scary because they were loud. I decided to call non-emergency fire while Jay went around and unplugged all the alarms. We decided to get all the kids up and downstairs just to be safe. (We had our five plus Jutem's 3) The fire truck showed up with about 5 firemen and the kids thought that was really cool. The truck had the flashing lights and everything. They came in and inspected all the outlets and such and couldn't find anything wrong. They put back in all the alarms (they weren't thrilled that Jay took them all down). They all went off because they are hard wired together so when one goes off they all do. As they put them back up two started chirping and they said that could be the cause. BUT THEY HAD NOT BEEN CHIRPING PREVIOUSLY!

During all this we were having all sorts of conversations of reassuring the kids that our house was okay to Joshua wanting me to write everything down so he could share it with his friends at co-op to realizing that we need a safety plan for our family in case of a real fire.

By 1:30 am the firemen were ready to leave and Joshua and Savannah wanted to ride in the truck. I told them maybe another time. The fireman gave them all stickers and we finally made it to bed. Joshua and Alexa slept in our bed with us and Savannah slept with the big girls. Have I mentioned what wiggle worms they are and that Jay and I had to be up by 6:00 to get ready to go to the homeschool convention the next day!! I will write more about that in another post.

No pictures of our exciting event. I was tempted though! LOL

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