Sunday, July 12, 2009

Workboxes Are Working Great


I can honestly say we have all been having a great time using workboxes for school.  They have been such a great motivator for the kids!  Savannah asks me every morning (even Saturday and Sundays) if we are doing workboxes today.  So I am going to try and post each week what we are doing with our workboxes.  I will do most of my planning on Saturdays so my goal is to post stuff on Saturday for the following week.  If you would like to join in please feel free.  I would love to know what you are putting in your workboxes.  You can even use the image above.

Here are some pictures of what has been taking up my blogging time.  I have been working on getting these centers ready.  It is time consuming but oh so worth it especially when I know at least 5 kids will get use out of them.

I think in a previous post I posted pictures of these books that make these games.  Well I finally got them all put together.  This first set is language games:matching letters, beginning sounds, ending sounds, syllables, etc.  Joshua can do all these right now and Savannah can do some.

I put these all in large envelopes and it works great however I think my preference is to use the file folders like pictured below.

Pocket folders are all on sale right now with school supplies so go stock up!!

These are all science activities.  Savannah and Alexa can do these.  I think Joshua will still like them but most of them might be too easy for him.

I have one more book of about 12 activities that I need to put together.  They are math and language games.

These are posters I had laminated.  I bought two of each and cut one up.  I put velcro on them and the kids match up the pieces.  The posters are sitting in a corner in our school room and I put the pieces in a workbox for them to do.


Now for the best news I just found out.  I love the site  I have shared about them before.  Well they just had their summer contest and now have put up all their new stuff.  (It's all free everyone contributes and shares)  They have a new catagory!!!!!!   It's called Workboxables and there are soooooooo many activities and ideas!!  I am going to have to go buy some more laminating pouches and have some late nights!!!

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