Jay and I received a copy of this book from Uncle Welton and Aunt Gigi (two of our favorite people) and I recommend everyone to read it! It will SO challenge you, step on your toes and probably shins too! ;)I will tell you what it says on the back cover otherwise if I got started sharing excerpts of the book I would copy the whole thing. Lol
"In Radical, David Platt challenges you to consider with an open heart how we have manipulated the gospel to fit our cultural preferences. He show what Jesus actually said about being his disciple--then invited you to believe and obey what you have heard. And he tell the dramatic story of what is happening as a "successful" suburban church decides to get serious about the gospel according to Jesus."Jay and I both read the book and as we prayed we were convicted to join in The Radical Experiment for one year. There are 5 parts to the experiment: 1) Pray for the entire world 2) Read through the entire Bible 3) Sacrifice our money for a specific purpose 4) Spend time in another context and 5) Commit our life to a multiplying community.
How are we doing each of these?We started our commitment October 19th. Each day (usually mornings) we gather around the kitchen table and complete our Praying for the world and reading the Bible.1) Pray for the entire world--- We are using the prayer calendar found at OperationPrayer.org There is a specific country to pray for each day. We print out the country info the kids find the country on a map we pray for the country and the unreached people groups and we keep the info in a binder so we can refer back to it.
2) Read through the entire Bible in a year. After we pray then Jay reads from the Bible. We are using this Bible: 
It has daily readings and is in chronological order. We just started with October 19th.
3) We are still praying as a family where we want to sacrifice some of our income. There are so many worthy causes.
4) Spend time in another context: Our goal at this point is to possibly go serve in Montana next summer. Jay's cousin is a pastor up there. He and his family started a church plant about 5 years ago. This would be a place we have never been before and different for us. We aren't ready as a family to do a foreign mission just yet.
5)Commit our life to a multiplying community: This one is easy for our family with starting the church plant. The part we are waiting on now is actually being able to move to the community we are trying to serve in. (That is another blog post for another time) But please pray that we will be able to move soon!
I encourage you GET THIS BOOK and READ IT! You won't be sorry!
If you would like to follow along on our journey you can check out the blog my husband is keeping for specifically this purpose:
Relevant Family Discipleship