8 YEARS OLD!! Joshua you are such a blessing to our family! You are growing into such a wonderful young man and your daddy and I are so proud of you! You are kind and compassionate to others, you are a great pray warrior and you always strive to do your best. Happy Birthday and never ever forget we love you with all our heart!!!!

Each birthday morning in our house starts out in mom and dad's room (on our bed) opening their family gifts.

Joshua was very excited....a Subway gift card and 3 Magic Tree House books.

Then we celebrated that day by having a lunch together as a family because Jay had class that night.

Then on Friday night, Joshua invited 6 friends over to come stay the night. It was his first slumber party! All I can say is thank goodness for older daughters/sisters who want to stay up and help!!!

Jadon loved the cake! Do Imention the rainbow that was in his diaper the next couple of days?! LOL

The boys were given coffee stirirs and marshmallows and had to create something. This kept them pretty entertained for awhile!

It was finally time to settle down and watch a movie

And of course the girls had their own slumber party upstairs on the hide a bed.<
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