My Baby is 11 !!!
My "baby" is turning into a beautiful young lady right before my eyes. I can't belive it. Anastasia you are an amazing young woman with such a caring heart. You are such a great help to your dad and I and to anyone else who needs it. I thought I would share 11 things that I think are amazing, silly, serious, funny and neat about you: (No particular order)
1) I think it is cool that you can wiggle your ears.
2) I love how you have a passion for animals and how they are treated.
3) I love watching you play with your sisters and brother and watching how much they look up to you.
4) I love your entrepreneurial spirit and how you are always coming up with new business ideas from things that you make.
5) Your kindess and servant attitude towards others is endearing.
6) I think it is awesome that you were willing to cut your hair last year for locks of love.
7) Watching you grow into a young woman who loves God and wants others to as well is incredible.
8) I enjoy playing "spit" and having quiet time with you.
9) You are a collector but you come by it naturally. I wonder if I can name 11 things you have collected over the years: webkinz, littlest pet shops, pretty ponies, stuffed animals, strechy bracelets, earrings, Hannah Montanna stuff, horse collectibles, Christmas ornaments, jewelery boxes, and rocks! I did it!
10) You have a great knack for doing all sorts of crafts and pick up new skills quickly. I am having to learn from you!
11) I have been so blessed to share these 11 birthdays with you as my daughter and I just wanted to let you know I love you so very much!
Every birthday morning Anastasia has always come into our room to open her gifts as soon as she wakes up.
She got Apples to Apples Bible Edition from Aunt Teri and Uncle Brett.
Her sisters and brothers got her a new webkins

She opened guitar picks from daddy and mommy and was excited because daddy is going to start teaching her guitar lessons.
But we had to ask her a couple of times why did she need her "own" guitar picks and then she finally realized because she would be getting her own guitar. Her and daddy are going to go pick one out in a couple of weeks.
It is difficult sometimes having a birthday on Christmas Eve. But while all the family is over before we start "Christmas stuff" we take time to celebrate her birthday. Anastasia wanted to make her own cake this year. It is a brownie (from scratch) cake with ice cream spread in the middle. It was delicious.
Her cousins got her a webkinz

Papa and Grandma got her a new digital camera!!

Anastasia was excited and good with gifts and we haven't even got to Christmas yet! Eleven is a big year!