All activities are in full swing starting this week. Friday we had our first Kindergarten Co-op with Tina and Emily and Danny. We are doing our first unit on Johnny Appleseed. They are going to come over twice a month on Fridays. Next time we are making apple sauce and finishing our lapbooks.

Yesterday(Monday) we had our first Co-op school and the kids absoultely loved it! I head up a homeschool group here in my area and we do field trips, parkdays, holiday parties and such but we have never co-oped and I have always wanted to be in a co-op.
So my friend Claudia invited me to join a co-op that she participates in. It is with a wonderful group of moms and we meet at a church there are about 40 kids. The moms rotate teaching month by month. We always meet the first 3 Mondays and then have the last Monday off. I don't teach this month so I dropped off Anastasia, Joshua and Savannah. Joshua and Savannah were so excited to "go to school" They woke up so early and got dressed and got their lunch boxes out they were ready to go!!
While I love this Co-op and am glad to be involved I had such a range of emotions yesterday. One not so good before we left I realize one benefit of homeschooling is not having to try and leave the house early every morning!!! I couldn't imagine doing that. We had to be out the door by 8:00am and there was a lot of running around and yelling "get your shoes, where's your lunch, no you can't wear that, eat your breakfast, get your shoes on, get in the car" OH MY!!!
We made it there just fine and I hung out and got the kids settled (they were completely fine) and then I left with Alexa and Natasha. We weren't sure what we were going to do at first (the kids are at co-op from 9-1pm). I was at a loss I did not like dropping my kids off and realized another reason we homeschool I could not send them off everyday!!!! It was such a weird feeling. I guess it is what mom's go through when they send their kids off to the first day of kindergarten. No thank you, once a week at co-op is enough and I will be teaching there in October and December. But I am however looking forward to spending some time with just Alexa and Natasha. We headed to the mall. It was nice having just some special time with Alexa but she kept asking where's Anastasia, Joshua and Savannah? We played in the play center rode the new carousel went in a few stores at lunch and then headed back to the church (Alexa and Natasha get to stay for co-op when I teach).
The kids had a great time and then the highlight of the day was getting to go to Bounce U (it is an indoor play place with all the big inflatible jumping things) with all of our new friends. The Co-op gets a great rate for us familes to go there each week after co-op for an hour.

They re-did the carousel at the mall and it is a double decker one now. It was really neat.

Can you believe I didn't get any pictures of them at Co-op?
When that was done and we got in the car before I even pulled out of the parking lot all the kids were asleep!!!! We got home around 4:00. I just fixed spaghetti. Mondays will need to become a "slow cooker meal day". They were all in bed between 7:30 and 8:00. It was a great but exhausting day and now today (Tuesday) we start PE. it is from 11:00-12:00 every Tuesday so we will pack our lunch and eat at the park as well. Joshua is very excited as he gets to participate this year!