Assignment: Take time this week to write about YOU and your feelings of trials and triumphs with homeschooling. Touch on when you first heard about the concept of home schooling and whether you tip-toed into the idea or just jumped in and never looked back. Share your schooling as a child and how you compare it to what your goals are for your children.
Homeschooling evokes so many thoughts and feelings as there are people. My journey into homeschooling started back when I was just a kid. I actually loved school and playing teacher. That is what I "played" in my free time with my friends and brother and sister. I think since 3rd grade I knew I wanted to be a teacher. Fast forward to junior high and I experienced 2nd hand what homeschooling was about. We actually had a neighbor who homeschooled and she would be considered a "pioneer" because it was back in the 80's. I babysat for her and thought it was so cool that she taught her kids at home. We moved out of state when I was in Jr. high so I lost contact with her except for the occasional Christmas card but the thought of homeschooling stuck with me even while getting my teaching degree in college. I even went so far to write a paper on why homeschooling was more beneficial than public schools (didn't go over so well with professors who praised the public schools
). I got my degree, got married and taught 4th grade for 3 years at a local public school. Over all it was a good experience and it was a decent school. I could however see the seeping in of a different world view, no child left behind, and teacher's hands being tied. My 3rd year of teaching I got pregnant and was due in December (97). I took the 6 weeks off then finished up the school year and didn’t return. I always knew I wanted to stay home when I had kids but it was hard not returning to teaching as well. I shared with my husband those seeds that God planted so long ago in my heart about homeschooling and when our daughter was 2 years old we attended our first homeschooling convention. He was hooked and we jumped in with both feet and have never looked back.
Our family has grown a lot since then but our goals for homeschooling have remained the same: to raise godly children who love the Lord and to have a close knit family who enjoy doing things and spending time together. We want our children to learn to trust the Lord with all their heart and mind and to make decisions big and small based on scripture. We want them to learn to make Christ the center of everything and to develop a Bibical worldview. We want our children to be best friends. Lastly, contrary to public outcry about homeschooling we home school for the socialization benefits. We have a big age split between our first and second child (almost 6 years) and then we had 4 children in 4.5years!! If our oldest was off to school all day everyday their relationship would not be the same!
We have had our share of trials and triumphs! From outsiders we don’t get a lot of slack I think because they think it’s okay since I have my teaching degree (which is so not necessary) sometimes it is a hindrance to “thinking outside of the box”. We do get the occasional quizzing by relatives who try to be discreet but it is annoying when I know they are “testing” my kids. I know my kids strengths and weaknesses and we are working on them. Trials are staying on task each day which is compounded by little ones and other daily life such as potty training and house cleaning and errand running. There are the days that I question myself when my kids are struggling in areas such as reading and spelling or having melt downs. I have learned just to give it to the Lord and keep plugging along. Triumphs are just the fact that I get to share daily life with my children (even if some days I want to pull my hair out). I get to be the one who will teach them to read and write. I am the one who gets to hear memorized Bible verses and gets to pray with them at each meal. I get to see them learning! Sure I need a break occasionally just like any other mom but I would be truly sad to send them off every day for someone to get all that time with them and I get the “leftovers”.
I survived public school and turned out fine but I want oh so much more for my kids. Schools have changed a lot and not for the better. I am not willing to take that chance and risk my children in that environment. God planted seeds long ago and it is through His strength and guidance that our family will plug along and succeed in this homeschooling adventure.
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