Saturday, February 28, 2009

Anastasia's Party

We finally had Anastasia's birthday party.  December just gets so crazy and I think it is nice to spread it out some.  This year she wanted to do a dog theme and collect things for the humane society.  We planned a scavenger hunt around the neighborhood for animal related things.  The girls also made home made dog treats and then we had pizza, ice cream and cake.  Anastasia made her own cake this year completely on her own.  She did an awesome job.

Anastasia decorated the cake like a yard and added flowers and completed it with a dog bone.

The Guests

Out on the scavenger hunt.

Making the dog bones.

Friday, February 27, 2009


It is official we are finally moving! We are moving to Casa Grande it is about 45 minutes from here. It will mean only a ten minute trip to church instead of 50minutes. I think I told everyone that Jay became a worship pastor at a church there in December. It is part time but they want to bring him on full time in May or June. Our lease wasn't up here until June but we found a house in Casa Grande that we fell in love with and we found renters for this one. God is so good!! So the big moving day will be March 21st. We are up to our eyeballs in boxes and yes I needed a break so I decided to come blog.

So I won't be keeping up with my Menu Plan or Organizing memes and my blogging will be sporadic until we are settled. We are doing just the basics for schooling in the mornings and then packing in the afternoons. We will still be traveling quite a bit for Anastasia's play practice, Joshua's little league and the girls dance all going till May. But I won't complain because I am so excited about our new house and the way everything is lining up.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A B See Photo Meme.....G

 G...G... What begins with G ???

We decided to post some Great, Gorgeous photos of God's creation that Anastasia took at the Arboretum. 

If you would like to participate in this photo meme click here  

Monday, February 23, 2009

Boyce Thompson Arboretum

This Monday was the field trip for our co-op this month and we went to  Boyce Thompson Arboretum  It was a Gorgeous day and Anastasia took some Gorgeous pictures  (be sure and check out our AB See Meme for the letter G).    The kids were divided into two groups for the tours.  The older kids did the Deserts of the World Tour while the younger kids did the Plants 101 tour.  I went on the tour with the younger ones and Anastasia went with the bigger kids so I don't have very many pictures with her in it.  But she took some great pictures all on her own.


Our tour guide did a great job with the kids.  He taught them  a lot.

Leaf Rubbings



Group picture

We loved these huge trees.  We don't see those everyday around here.

A family used to actually live here.

The "pizza" plant.  We walked through an herb garden and the kids could rub the leaves between their fingers and smell.  This one was oregeno the kids all called it the pizza plant.

After lunch this was the kids favorite spot of course.

Boys, Rocks and water need I say more?

The end result!


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Five Years Ago Today....

It was five years ago today that my Mother-in-Law went home to be with the Lord. Sometimes it seems like an eternity ago and other times it seems just like yesterday! There has been so many changes in our lives these past few years. One of the things Jay and I really miss is being able to see how she would be with all of our children. When she died we only had Anastasia and Joshua and Jay's sister didn't have any children yet. Now Joy has 8 grandchildren!! I know she would love and adore them all.

I just wanted to share a few pictures on this day:

Jay as a newborn with his mom

Anastasia and Mawma in her last days. This is one of my favorite pics.

On June 28th 2004 we went out to the cemetary to celebrate Mawma's birthday.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Girls First Mini-Recital

Ok I have to say my girls were too cute today!  They had a little practice recital at a nursing home for dance.  They have only been in dance for about 4 weeks and they did great.

Alexa is doing- I'm a little teapot, Itsy Bitsy Spider, You are My sunshine, Hokey pokey and the picture below is from If your happy and you know it.


Savannah's first song is Five Little Monkeys jumping on a bed.  Then they change her costume is not in yet so she wore regular dance clothes.  They are doing Dance like a Daisy and To be a Lady.  This was an optional recital and no one else from her class showed up so she got to do a solo for the last two songs and she got right up there and did them both all on her own!!!  She did awesome.


Okay thanks for indulging my bragging today. 

Friday, February 20, 2009

Homeschool Memoirs # 26

 It seems like many homeschoolers begin to see the fire die out around this time of year. Yet it doesn’t always take a whole lot to get the flames burning bright again. It may be one small change in your routine. Maybe it’s trying out an idea you’ve been pondering for awhile. Or you might need to throw on a bit of kindling on to fuel that fire.


Let’s see some sparks of imagination as we encourage one another, sharing ways to get your homeschool efforts cooking again. What is something you’ve done, or thought about doing, to “fan the flame” of waning motivation?

This time of year we definitely need to fan the flames.  The weather is so nice this time of year and spring fever hits.   I want to do something fun because it seems like we resort to just getting the basics done.  So even though we are moving this next month (which throws in a whole other set of obstacles) I want to try and do a unit on Dr. Seuss.  It is fun and wacky and good for all ages.  I am pulling material from a couple of sources.  The main one is a unit study I got from  Curclick  (it's the second one listed)  I like this study because it is adapatable for a wide range of ages. also has some great resources as well.  I picked Dr. Seuss because March is always filled with ideas for his birthday celebration and there are so many simple ways we can be creative ane wacky which will keep the kids encouraged and motivated. 

What do you do to stay motivated this time of year?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blogger Friend School # 121--

Memory Verse: Psalm 69:21 They put poison in my food; in my thirst, they gave me vinegar to drink.

Introduction: Obey Your Thirst (Sprite) In this Psalm, terrible things are plaguing David. He’s seeking the Lord, as he has that sinking feeling, that desperate thing of alienation and abandonment… and they try to poison him and give him vinegar - GROSS! How Vile! Sometimes when we’re sick, we have that sinking desperate feeling, we call out to God, we call out for healing.

Assignment: Tell us the most vile “remedy” you’ve ever had to consume in order to be rid of that “plague”.  Was it something prescribed by a Medical Doctor? or was it an herbal remedy? We all know that Buckley’s commercial, it tastes awful, but it works.  Would you take this remedy again?  Did it work? Can you get your children to take it?


I have a funny story for this one.  It is about my husband's family.  One time the 4 of them (mom,dad, his sister and him) were all sick with the flu or bad cold.  Jay's mom had been trying home remedies and heard about carrot juice with garlic.  So she juiced fresh carrots and garlic and called the kids into the kitchen to drink some.  They could smell it and were not that willing.  Their mom made them take a drink and after one sip each they were spitting and gagging and yelling it was awful.  This racket got their dad's attention and he came into the kitchen to see what was going on.  He told the kids to obey their mom and drink it.  They told him to drink it first and he said fine.  He took a big gulp and then proceeded to spit it all back into the kitchen sink!!  He asked Joy- "Are you trying to kill us all?"  Well my dear mother in law was going to show them.  She proceeded to drink all four glasses in spite of them.  Now because of the garlic no one wanted to be around her for a couple of days but she was completely better the next morning while the rest of them were sick the rest of the week.

Here is the kicker of the story.  The recipe called for one clove  of garlic per glass.  She had accidently put a whole bulb of garlic per glass!! 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

14 Years Ago Today......

14 years ago today I married the love of my life, my best friend.  For richer or poorer, for better or worse, in sickness and health till death do we part.  I think we have been through all  of those vows and our marriage is still strong and healthy today.  The secret....  14 years ago when we were married Christ was invited into our marriage and has remained the center of it.  It doesn't mean it has always been easy or a bed of roses so to speak but Christ is the glue in our marriage that makes it stick.

I am thankful each and everyday for my husband and to God for blessing me with him.  I can't wait to see what the next 14 years have in store.

Here are a couple more pictures:  I am sorry to my bridesmaids.  I still love the color of the dresses but the style is lacking.  LOL

What's For Dinner Wednesday's??


Kung Pao Chicken

This is the Kung Pao Chicken we make for Valentine's Day.  Our actual recipe comes from our Sunset Oriental Cookbook.  I couldn't find that exact recipe on line but here is one that is very close that you can use.  A lot of recipes call for deep frying the chicken and we don't do that and we use the hot chili peppers not red pepper flakes.  Just DO NOT EAT one of the chilis our you will be crying..  Click Here for the recipe.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Renaissance Festival

We love going to the Rennaissance Festival each year.  This year we went on President's Day since Jay had the day off.  It was a sunny and beautiful day, we couldn't have asked for better weather.  We enjoy watching the jousting and the kids like the rides and of course it wouldn't be the fair if we didn't have a turkey leg.  Jay loves to go to people watch and you can definetly do that there!!  I will just leave it at that.

 The girls and the fairies

The mighty Warriors!  (We actually know this warrior he is a family friend)

The Joust!

Seeing the horses afterwards

A live tree.

Savannah was the only one who would go near this guy.  I wish I had more of a background picture to see his whole set up.  He was so funny and will shout things out to people as they pass by.  The other kids would have nothing to do with him!

This was Alexa's reaction as we kept asking her if she wanted he picture taken with the green guy.  She kept shouting "NO!" and would try and hide behind Jay.  It was so funny!

They love riding the butterflies.

Anastasia says this horse keeps getting smaller each year!  LOL

The dragon slide was new this year.  The kids loved it!  You climbed up to the top of the tower and then you can see the dragon's tail is the slide.

The kids waving from the top of the tower.

I love this picture.  They did not pose for it.  I just caught them walking together and had to take the pic.

Trying on hair things.

The way to this boy's heart.....Food!

It's corn on the cob.