Homeschool Memoirs #11: Field-trips
Written by Miss Jocelyn on - -
I’m a dreamer. I dream of visiting all the historic places and foreign countries. Not sure if it’s in God’s plan that I will, but still I’d like to. Over the past few years, as homeschoolers, my family has thought of visiting quite a few different places. When we went on vacation last June we had planned on visiting the Roy Rogers’ museum as well as a few places in Texas and New Mexico. Things didn’t workout so we’re able to but it would have interesting to visit I’m sure.
THEME: This week I’d like to invite you to share your favourite field-trip that you’ve been able to go on since you’ve started homeschool. I’d encourage you to include photos, but you don’t have to.
Ahhh field trips!! I don't think I could pick just one favorite field trip we have done so many! They are one of the many reasons we love homeschooling. We can take a field trip anytime and get real hands on learning. The best part we love is going places "off season" on our own schedule! We love to travel as a family whether it is to the local zoo or all the way to South Dakota which we were blessed to get to do this past summer. There are yearly field trips that we always do such as the State Fair, The pumpkin patch, zoo lights, the arboreteum, things like that and then we do special trips. Ok I guess I could pick a couple that stand out.....
Mt. Rushmore was incredible even our littlest kids were impressed. We read books and looked it all up on line before we went. So it was neat getting to experience it in person.
Two years ago Anastasia and I got to go spend a day in the "Life of Laura Ingalls Wilder" and that was a great trip. Anastaisa wore a prairie dress we packed a picnic lunch and it was a wonderful day. We learned how to make candles and butter, learned how to dance the Viginia Reel, make rope and tie knots. (I will have to find some pics)
I would have to say another favorite of this past year would be the Hall of Flame Museum here in Phoenix. It has the largest display of fire trucks. We were able to tour the museum, learn about fire saftey and then the kids got to shoot the fire hose and participate in a bucket brigade.
Ok I could go on but I will end with stating that our ultimate goal is to spend a year "field tripping" (my new word) We want to get a motor home and just go travel the USA. We want our youngest to be old enough to remember most of it and Jay will need a job where he can telecommute. Wouldn't that be awesome!!!