Today was election day at Co-op. There were posters hung, stickers given out, speeches and commericals made, debates held, voting and celebration parties all to wrap up our election study month. I think the older kids really learned a lot about the entire campaign and voting process. I think the most important lesson learned was by one girl whose mom said she had been talking the last couple of weeks who to vote for because one girl was her friend and the other gave a really good speech so she was taking this pretty seriously. Then she finally told her mom "I just need to pray about it and God will help me vote for the right person." Isn't this awesome. That is what we all need to be sure and do!
I really enjoyed my first month of teaching this was a great group of kids. In the kindergarten-first grade class we focused on American symbols, presidents and voting. Our devotions focused on different verses of how God is in control no matter what. Each kid got to go to the voting booth and vote secretly for their favorite snack, either goldfish crackers or pretzels. Goldfish crackers won hands down! We graphed our results and then Mrs. Amy taught them about different ways of voting--raising their hands, choosing yes or no, waving their arms silly like, etc. They learned so much about George Washington, the white house and the presidency.
The voting booth
The secret ballot! Orange for fishy crackers brown for pretzels
Anastasia's Voter ID
Our Class
Ready for the party
Party Time
Anastasia and Anne-Hudson enjoying the party
Working on putting all their stuff together
Snack time- Goldfish crackers and pretzels
Look at my book!
The kids got to each put together their own lapbook of all their American symbols
Savannah and Alexa's class did a month long unit study all about pumpkins. I didn't get pictures because everytime I would go in there Alexa then wanted to come with me and it was a distraction. But I get to teach in that class in December and I am excited to do Christmas crafts with them!!!
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