Intro: When There’s No Tomorrow. (Marketing credit: Mercury)
Please listen to the song. Imagine you’re standing before God. There’s no Tomorrow, you can’t go back and finish up what you had planned on getting to sometime in the future. What was that thing that you planned on getting to, that thing that now, you’re standing before God and thinking “I wish I had gotten to that…”
Assignment: We only have today. Should God take you today, have you accomplished everything that you wanted to, needed to. Have you said all the things that needed to be said? Let’s have no regrets, let’s make sure we get to those things, so that when we’re standing before the Lord, the only thing we need to do is to worship him.. and not regret not getting to that thing on our to do list. Stop - go take care of that thing…. then, come tell us what you choose to share. Don’t embarrass yourself or any of your loved ones.
Share your favorite scripture in your post.
Wow what a thought provoking assignment this week and the timing is amazing. This week our music pastor's mom (she was also our pianist) died. We just went to her funeral (or as I like to say Celebration of Life service) yesterday. This has been emotionally hard on both Jay and I, especially Jay, as our music pastor had a wonderfully close realtionship with his mother (Just as Jay did with his). So the emotions came flooding back of when Jay's mom died almost 5 years ago. We got to say our good byes and have no regrets except of course that she died too young and we selfishly want her here still. But we know that she is in heaven with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The song in the video above also has special meaning as that is the song that Jay and our (at the time 6 yr. old daughter) sang at his mom's funeral. So of course I got all teary eyed listening to it.
The thing that I have learned these past few years is that my only goal is to make sure (pray about because I can't control it) that my children and then as they get married their spouses and then their children grow to accept Christ as their Savior and that our treasures will be built in heaven. Jay's grandma and mom got to see this before they both died. This was their goal and through lots of prayer and guidance and God's grace it happened.
God is amazing in His timing because Joy's (Jay's mom) last Sunday in church was the same Sunday that Anastasia went forward to accept Christ and we also had Joshua's baby dedication. At the time we did not know it would be her last Sunday. God is so gracious that she was allowed to witness these two events before going Home.
So the picture I am sharing this week is one that my daughter drew over at her Papa and Mawma's house on one of the days before the funeral. It is a picture of heaven from the eyes of a six year old who just lost her best friend (her Mawma) It's her, her Mawma and her Papa all up in Heaven.
Matthew 6:19-20 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Memory Verse: Ecclesiastes 1:13-14
I devoted myself to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven. What a heavy burden God has laid on men! I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.
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