Our dinners are changing for awhile. Jay and I both signed up to start Weight Watchers!!! Ok those are all the emotions I have about it!! LOL I am not going to do the cooking swap for the next couple of months but will still cook in batches on my own. I need to lose baby weight still (not just from the last baby mind you
) and especially if we are considering adding another baby I want to lose some weight first and Jay needs to loose weight and get in shape so we are doing this together. This is a program we can do together and I can do while nursing (I get extra points this way
)We are just using the on-line point program. Jay thinks it would be helpful to have a blackberry now. Go figure! Men and their toys!
We are in our third day and so far so good. I think it will be a good program for us and now we just need to add in the exercise!!!! I signed up for Moms of Many excersise challenge but have yet to start it! I need to get on the treadmill twice this week at least. Yes, the treadmill that sits in the corner of our playroom and constantly calls my name. The same one my kids are all to eager to get on and the same one I promised my hubby I would use all the time if we bought it. The same one we have had over 3 years now and neither of us have put very many miles on. Okay I am going......
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